英语人>词典>汉英 : 食用价值 的英文翻译,例句
食用价值 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

dietary property
更多网络例句与食用价值相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The author introduced the basic botanical characteristics of custard apple and suggested two kinds of potential developing methods to obtain the products that could be used as delicious friut materials in food industry in the development of biological resources.


Of microwave cooking, but would like to know how that affects the food value,...


The value of fish consumption and high medicinal value.


Zanhuang gold date required by the human body contains protein, amino acid, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and other trace elements such as vitamin C, Mei Baike as high as 540 mg, is the apple, peach, etc. about 100 times, so people called it a "living Vitamin pills,"Fresh 20-36% sugar, dried jujube up to 60% more than the value of edible and medicinal value of the home Baiguo first non-spread" every day to eat three dates, but the old life "and" increase grain Jujube, Ganoderma lucidum increasingly grass "Minyan.

赞皇金丝大枣含有人体所需要的蛋白质、氨基酸、磷、钙、铁等微量元素如维生素C,每百克高达540毫克,是苹果、桃等的百倍左右,因而人们称它是"活维生素丸",鲜枣含糖 20-36%,干枣高达60%以上,食用价值和药用价值居百果之首,民间流传有"每天吃三枣、终生不见老"和"五谷加大枣、胜似灵芝草"的民谚。

potentilla anserine possesses higher nutritional value, edible value and healthcare function, so it can be used as a food resource and a chinese herbal medicine.


Purslane nutrition is enriched , is has medical fine value and value is is used for food.


The oil squeezed out from the til is very sweet-smelling, and of high edible value.


The symptom is whiten speckle, which has a serious effect on their edible value and commercial value.


Zanhuang gold date required by the human body contains protein, amino acid, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and other trace elements such as vitamin C, Mei Baike as high as 540 mg, is the apple, peach, etc. about 100 times, so people called it a "living Vitamin pills,"Fresh 20-36% sugar, dried jujube up to 60% more than the value of edible and medicinal value of the home Baiguo first non-spread" every day to eat three dates, but the old life "and" increase grain Jujube, Ganoderma lucidum increasingly grass "Minyan.

赞皇金丝大枣含有人体所需要的蛋白质、氨基酸、磷、钙、铁等微量元素如维生素C,每百克高达540毫克,是苹果、桃等的百倍左右,因而人们称它是&活维生素丸&,鲜枣含糖 20-36%,干枣高达60%以上,食用价值和药用价值居百果之首,民间流传有&每天吃三枣、终生不见老&和&五谷加大枣、胜似灵芝草&的民谚。

Grass of willow leaf horsewhip because plant is lofty, plant the question on potted management is very much, lofty cauline wind is blown or collide to fold caustic easily artificially for example, after blossomming, carry wait not easily, before not quite the farmer is willing to be planted commodity is trafficced, in recent years the farm be current because of sightseeing condition, this kind grows the grass of willow leaf horsewhip that exuberant amount jumps over the United States more more just is able to come forward, additional also outside constant somebody thinks grass of Liu Xie horsewhip by accident is edible flavor plant, that is the concern that because of grass of as citric as flavor plant horsewhip the name approachs very much, should reminding Liu Xie horsewhip is careless here is not flavor plant without edible value, be to view and admire crop purely!


更多网络解释与食用价值相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aquarium fish:观赏鱼

鱼类的经济价值主要有食用和观赏两个方面,可供作观赏的鱼类称为观赏鱼(Ornamental fish),主要是"水族观赏鱼"(Aquarium fish),观赏鱼一般体形比较奇特,体色较为艳丽多彩,容易在较小的水体中如水族箱饲养.


edibleviscera(食用)内脏 | edibleness食用价值 | edibles食用品

mung bean:绿豆

&nb绿豆(Mung Bean) 绿豆古名菉豆、稙豆,异名青小豆. 原产印度、缅甸,目前主要的产地是中国,其次是印度、伊朗及东南亚,非洲、欧洲、美洲有少量栽培. 它不但具有良好的食用价值,还具有非常好的药用价值,有"济世之食谷"之说.

mung bean:豆

&nb绿豆(Mung Bean) 绿豆古名菉豆、稙豆,异名青小豆. 原产印度、缅甸,目前主要的产地是中国,其次是印度、伊朗及东南亚,非洲、欧洲、美洲有少量栽培. 它不但具有良好的食用价值,还具有非常好的药用价值,有"济世之食谷"之说.

tartary Buckwheat:苦荞麦

本文根据凉山州及全国各地对苦荞在食用价值、药用价值方面和深加工方面的研究,综合多种因素作出个人结论:凉山苦荞事业的即将迎来巨大的腾飞. 引言:苦荞麦(Tartary Buckwheat)为蓼科一年生草本植物,茎常带红色,叶常为卵状三角形

Chinese yam:山药

山药(Chinese yam)具有较高的药用价值及营养价值,主要食用器官为地下块茎,为大众化的滋补食品,通过组织培养技术不仅可进行快速繁殖,而且能使优良品种种性得以保存延续[1,2].

Cucurbita moschata:南瓜

南瓜,(Cucurbita moschata)俗名倭瓜、番瓜、北瓜原产于南美洲,后传入我国. 它是我国常见的一种蔬菜. 南瓜不仅有较高的食用价值. 而且有着不可忽视的食疗作用. 据<<滇南本草>>载:南瓜性温,味甘无毒,入脾、胃二经,能润肺益气,化痰排浓,驱虫解毒,

Paguma larvata:果子狸

主要是食用和药用,因食用价值而受威胁的物种不胜枚举,著名的除上述几种外,还有穿山甲(Manis spp.)、果子狸(Paguma larvata)、雉类、龟鳖、巨蜥(Varanus salvator)、大鲵(Andrias davidianus)、蛙类、蛇类、鲨鱼(翅)、燕(窝)等,


香榧(Torreyagrandis)是一种裸子植物紫杉科(Taxaceae)的可食木本油料,主产区分布于绍兴、诸暨会稽山一带,年产量仅有1500吨左右. 香榧的加工食用历史近千年,近几年来,随着对香榧食用价值新认识,加上出口带动,香榧消费大幅增长,

Vaccinium L:越桔属

越桔为杜鹃花科越桔属(Vaccinium L)植物,灌木,广泛分布于北半球,从北极到热带高山地区. 全世界有450种,我国有91种,24变种,2亚种,其中不少品种结小形浆果,可供食用,具有极高的营养价值和很高的医疗价值. 周此,越桔果实是典型的食品和医药工业的绿色原料.