英语人>词典>汉英 : 食欲减退 的英文翻译,例句
食欲减退 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

to lose one's appetite · lose one's appetite
更多网络例句与食欲减退相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When cooking the lampblack will often spread in the kitchen, the excessive inspiration can cause " the lampblack sickness ", in the medicine called that it " the lampblack syndrome ", should sickness symptom be the anorexia, although will have the sense of hunger, actually will eat the tastelessness, in the heart fed up, the spirit will not be good, is addicted to rests, the whole body will be incapable; The lampblack will also stimulate person's five senses, people's eye in the contact excessive lampblack, will often feel that will do astringently, itches, the vision blurring, the hyperemic conjunctiva, the time often will have formed steadily the chronic conjunctivitis, the throat could feel the itch, coughed, the time, often has been steadily able to result in the chronic tracheitis, bronchitis.


The wide variety of clinical symptoms of AIDS, the general in the early symptoms as the beginning of the cold, flu, fatigue can not afford full-body, loss of appetite, fever, weight loss, with the increase of the condition, growing number of symptoms such as skin, the skin appears white stick read coccus Infections, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, purpura, hematoma, blood blister, Xueban lag, skin vulnerable to injury, after injury, such as bleeding more than; after violations of internal organs gradually and continuously Unexplained persistent fever, it could take more than 3 -- 4 months; can cough, shortness of breath, persistent diarrhea, bloody stool, hepatosplenomegaly, complicated by malignant tumors, respiratory difficulties and so on.


The main performance of the period similar to upper respiratory tract infection symptoms:① fever in all cases, more than for the moderate fever;② cough, runny nose and tears, pharynx, such as congestive catarrhal symptoms, eye symptoms prominent conjunctival inflammation, eyelid edema, increased tears, photophobia, eyelid under the edge of a clear line of congestive, the diagnosis of measles very helpful ③ Koplik spots, eruptive in 24 ~ 48 hours prior to the emergence of about 1.0mm in diameter outside the gray dots red halo, found only at the beginning of the mucosa under the molars, but the increase in one day can be involved very quickly and spread to the entire buccal mucosa lip and mucous membrane after the rash appears in the gradual disappearance of skin rash may have a small dark red points;④ occasional skin urticaria, rash or scarlet fever faint rash appears when the typical skin rash disappeared;⑤ Some patients may have some non-specific symptoms such as general malaise, anorexia, etc.


The intraperitonealLD_(50) values in mice of VES and VDPG were 0.16mg/kg and 0.39mg/kg,respectively. The intraperitoneal LD_(50) value in cockroach of VDPG andVES were 2.32μg/g and 1.87μg/g, respectively. After intraperitonealinjection of the venom in mice, the main poisoning symptoms includedlethargy, ataxia, diaphoresis, convulsion, anorexia, shortness of breath,and difficulty to open eyes, etc. Whereas the mice injected withphysiological saline acted normally.


Clinical manifestations are soreness on epigastric region, decreased appetite, distention after meal and eructation. It belongs to "epigastric pain" and "Stomach Pi syndrome" in TCM with characteristics of repetition and pertinacity. In 1978, WHO listed chronic atrophic gastritis as precancerous lesions of gastric cancer because its complications of intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia are closely related to gastric cancer. This has been a research focus in clinical practice and pathology for years.

临床主要表现为上腹隐痛、食欲减退、食后饱胀、嗳气等,属中医学"胃脘痛"、"胃痞"等范畴,具有反覆发作、迁延难愈的特性。1978年WHO将慢性萎缩性胃炎列为胃癌的癌前状态,而在其基础上伴发的肠上皮化生(Intestinal metaplasia,IM)和域异型增生(DYSplasia, DYS),则与胃癌的发生关系密切,被视为癌前病变(Precacerous lesions Of gastric cancer, PLGC)多年来始终是临床及病理学研究的重点。

Many consumers believe that calcium and vitamin D can only choose one product, this is a misunderstanding, due to individual differences in the prevalence of the human body, not all at the same time also the lack of both calcium deficiency of vitamin D, some long-term use of vitamin D it will inhibit the body's own vitamin D formation, or trigger a large number of vitamin D intake and Yun Ji-poisoning, poisoning symptoms of hypercalcemia caused by liver and kidney dysfunction and soft tissue calcification, manifested as loss of appetite, unresponsive, rhythm arrhythmia, difficulty in breathing, nausea and vomiting, polydipsia polyuria, constipation and so on.


Pyrexia, poor appetite and weight loss were the most common presentations clinically.


Latest research indicates that,if eating a great deal of undone eggs for a long time,antibiotin protein in undone egg white can integrate with biotin internal the body as a sort of steady compound,making biotin can't be absorbed by intestinal wall and leading to energy ennui,muscle ache,hair falling off,skin inflamation,appetite letdown,weight droping and so on.When eggs pass through the intestinal tract,it's easy to zymolysis and transformation,sometimes it may appear nitroso compound,which has the function of causing cancer.


The introduction combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine below the experience of enteritis of noxiousness of fine ailment of remedial Tibet mastiff, in order to offer reference. 1 hair sick condition and clinical expression ill dog are 2~4 month more age young dog, majority is come on suddenly, anorexia or abandon absolutely, mental depressed, systemic symptom worsens quickly, produce acuteness sex vomiting and diarrhoea, puke is first feed rotten, afterwards is yellow or olive bubble mucus and hematic type thing, have diarrhoea dung has the sticky stiff thing of grey yellow, turn after for rare dung of effluvial shape of embedded mucous membrane, then shows hematic dysentery, because ill dog is acuteness vomiting and diarrhoea are rapid dehydration, eyeball cave in, temperature is shown two-way and calorific,℃ of the 40~41 at the beginning of disease, 1~2d falls it is normal to come, after 3~4d answer elevatory, die very quickly next, 4~5d of course of diseases, the temperature when on one's deathbed drops more to normal temperature the following. Bottom of stomach of dog of die in one's bed of 2 analyse check has haemorrhage sex inflammation, show cardinal, small intestine mucous membrane falls off, alvine wall attenuates, there is gules mucus inside, mix inside large intestine have show wine blood excrement and urine, there are a lot of haemorrhage places on mucous membrane, haemorrhage of rectum mucous membrane is more, mesentery lymph node enlargement, sometimes afterwards sends intussusception, alvine tangent plane bleeds, cardiac muscle is loose, color becomes weak, cystic plentiful, liver is qualitative fragile and brittle. 3 diagnose 3.1 epidemiology to diagnose this ill much hair at young dog, rather dog of epidemic disease have an inoculation feels the most easily, be affected directly or affect secondhand, basically pass enteron infection, this disease all can happen all the year round, but with cold...


Results The main symptoms werepecsin fant epigastralgia, melena, anorexia, epigastric distention, emaciation and anemia.


更多网络解释与食欲减退相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


肥胖症(adiposis)是指脂肪组织过度蓄积而使体躯过于肥胖. 肥胖症是犬、猫常见病症. 一、病因 主要是由于饲喂食物营养过剩,导致体脂过度蓄积所致. 甲状腺机能减退、肾上腺皮质机能亢进等内分泌疾病也可引起肥胖症. 二、症状 患病犬、猫食欲亢进或减退,

anorexia; anorexy:厌食,食欲缺乏

神经性厌食症 anorexia nervosa | 厌食,食欲缺乏 anorexia,anorexy | 食欲减退剂 anorexigenic drug,anoretic drug

superficial fascia:浅筋膜

临床上以乏力、食欲减退、肝肿大及肝功能异常为主要表现,部分病例出现发热及. 内容简介: (一)皮肤(skin): 薄,有弹性,伸展性和移动性大 (二)浅筋膜: (superficial fascia)由脂肪和疏松结缔组织构成腹壁下

Grape fruit:萄柚

实验表明:大白鼠被葡萄柚 (Grape fruit)精油香气的剌激以后,会出现体内脂肪分解,血液中甘油的浓度明显增加,食欲减退和体重减轻的征兆. 可以认为是香气促使了脂肪分解,抑制了食欲,从而减轻了体重. 反之,用"薰衣草精油"的香气刺激大白鼠以后,

have an appetite for power/ knowledge:权势(求知)欲

12. have a poor appetite 胃口不好 | have an appetite for power/ knowledge 权势(求知)欲 | lose one's appetite 食欲减退


此外,自觉症状尚有蚁走感(formation)、麻刺感(tingling)等神经障碍性、感染性皮肤病的表现. 皮肤病尚可表现为发热、畏寒、乏力、食欲减退及全身不适等症状,均与内科疾病相似.


食欲减退剂 anorexigenic drug,anoretic drug | 厌食,食欲缺乏 anorexy,anorexia | 无嗅觉症 anosmia


鸭后睾吸虫病(Opisthorchiasis)是由几类寄生于鸭肝胆管和胆囊内的后睾科(opisthorschiidae)吸虫引起的以宿主肝功能受损为主要特征的寄生虫病. 病鸭消瘦、精神沉郁、食欲减退,两腿发软而卧地不起,随着病情加剧甚至可以引起死亡.

anorexigenic drug,anoretic drug:食欲减退剂

厌食,食欲缺乏 anorexia,anorexy | 食欲减退剂 anorexigenic drug,anoretic drug | 厌食,食欲缺乏 anorexy,anorexia