英语人>词典>汉英 : 风流倜傥 的英文翻译,例句
风流倜傥 的英文翻译、例句


casual and elegant bearing
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No prince charming is her beau ideal to lay a rare and wondrous love at her feet but rather a manly man with a strong quiet face who had not found his ideal, perhaps his hair slightly flecked with grey, and who would understand, take her in his sheltering arms, strain her to him in all the strength of his deep passionate nature and comfort her with a long long kiss.


Her shoes were the newest thing in footwear (Edy Boardman prided herself that she was very petite but she never had a foot like Gerty MacDowell, a five, and never would ash, oak or elm) with patent toecaps and just one smart buckle at her higharched instep.


Regardless of being the features suggesting extraordinariness and immortality Donghua honorable person, loose clean Lu Dongbin, the Lu border, will make the deep impression to you.


Martha is a fiercely single, highly paid corporate lawyer, Clio a doctor, locked in an unhappy marriage to a surgeon, and Jocasta a reporter for a tabloid newspaper, in love with a charming commitment-phobe.

强悍的单身贵族Martha,是位收入颇高的企业律师, Clio是位医术颇高的医生,她身陷不幸的婚姻而痛苦不已,最后就是Jocasta,她是一家小报的记者,爱上了一位风流倜傥的却又害怕被任何承诺约束的男子。

That summer, Kanga had seen the writing on the wall spelling out the beginning of the end of her love affair with Charles.


A qualified postgraduate is not necessarily a dashing and impressive looking whiz kid,because his busyness and concentration may make him slovenly and weak in speech, but just the very existence of him means wisedom is not far away from you.


The story master line character is loose clean middle-aged man Wang Ben, he has known unmarried mother the leaf (Mr. Wu plum decoration), Wang Ben the pursue is gentle and is powerful, is ambiguous and is courteous, charming has the festival, lets leaf reignition fire of passion which is absentminded.


Suave romantic by nature, his cousin Mike is a new line of gigolos, because things get into a lawsuit, Simon to save his cousin, and therefore the conservative character of Sandy met a female assistant prosecutor, Simon finally won in court fighting Sandy so Sandy love and hate him.


Although Professor Langdon might not be considered hunk-handsome like some of our younger awardees, this forty-something academic has more than his share of scholarly allure.


A thousand years has weathered the rock into the shape of a horse, which is neighing up towards the sky.


更多网络解释与风流倜傥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Becoming Jane:珍愛來臨

他可以是>(Last King Of Scotland)的风流倜傥的医生,也可以是>(Becoming Jane)的穷律师,也可以是>(Wanted)身手不凡的耀眼刺客.


其实他话还没说完,我就大概知道问题出在哪,他的问题也常是许多男性会遇上的问题,不懂普通西装与小晚礼服(dinner jacket)的差别,连风流倜傥的007詹姆士庞德也发生过这样的问题.

Primal Fear:《一级恐怖>

凭借这部影片的成功,他再次荣登走红巨星的宝座. 在次年上映的大片>(Primal Fear)中,他也有不俗的表现,票房再创新高. 原来的那个风流倜傥的李察又回到了人们的心中.