英语人>词典>汉英 : 领主的 的英文翻译,例句
领主的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
seigniorial  ·  seignorial

更多网络例句与领主的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Is divided up, as it were, into forty-seven seignories, in each of which a Standing Committee is the court-baron and its chairman lord-proprietor.


He hurried to the lord's room and knocked on the doorjamb.


But there is one complication: Rumour states that the Soulscar are in military alliance with the Demon Lords.


Then sang their art to noble lords.


More generally, Schumpeter seemed to be playing the role of grand seigneur, and he tended to flatter where flattery was not due, no doubt satirically.


This paper explores the Western manor in the Middle Ages from perspective of Marxian historical sociology. The manor was not only economic but social institution dominating tenant farmer's whole life; and the peasantry were not merely tenant but also subject of their landlords.


The fortresses are strongholds of individual tanar'ri lords, where their bodies are protected by slavishly devoted servants while the leaders' spirits traverse the Astral Plane and the Prime Material, seeking corrupt and evil types to press into service.


The fortresses are strongholds of individual tanar'ri lords, where their bodies are protected b y slavishly devoted servants while the leaders' spirits traverse the Astral Plan e and the Prime Material, seeking corrupt and evil types to press into service.


The holding manager has to deliver the cargo to the customer by leading the cart to the fort. When the cart arrives at the fort, the amount of money inside the deposit box is transferred to the chests of the holding. Transportation is not safe; the cart driver (who moves around freely just like on a mount) can be attacked and have the merchandise stolen.


By giving priority to the harmonious happy life of farmers in the practice of morality devotion, Sontoku successfully used the method of "sharing extension" make lairds compromised in decreasing their financial interests and deducing farmers' tax burden, and thus solving the desolation problem of the countryside at his time without any bloody conflicts.


更多网络解释与领主的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而在最近一次的大清算(Reckoning)中,阿斯摩蒂尔斯又得到了显示自己实力的机会,就算是所有其他魔鬼领主一起发起挑战,仍然无法动他分毫. 他个人的意志就可以决定各位领主的更迭. 每年,其他领主都会集结在奈瑟斯(Nassus)的马尔谢姆堡(Malsheem),


seignior /封建制度的君主/藩主/领主/ | seigniorage /君主的特权/货币铸造税/特许捐/ | seigniorial /领主的/


领主(suzerain):是赐予卡玛利拉会议领地的血族, 原意是宗主国, 领主(suzerain):是赐予卡玛利拉会议领地的血族,suzerain 原意是宗主国,也就是说他就是一片领地最高主 ):是赐予卡玛利拉会议领地的血族人.通常一世纪一任,不得连任.


suva /苏瓦/ | suzerain /领主/庄主/宗主/ | suzerainty /宗主权/领主的地位/


suzerain /领主/庄主/宗主/ | suzerainty /宗主权/领主的地位/ | suzuki /铃木/日本机车商标/

aphotic shield:无光之盾,地狱领主的技能

anti-mage敌法 | aphotic shield无光之盾,地狱领主的技能 | armor护甲


seigniorage 君主特权 | seigniorial 领主的 | seigniory 君主权

seigniorial:领主的; 君主的 (形)

seigniorage 君主特权; 货币铸造税 (名) | seigniorial 领主的; 君主的 (形) | seignorial 君主的 (形)

seignorial:君主的 (形)

seigniorial 领主的; 君主的 (形) | seignorial 君主的 (形) | seine 拖拉大围网 (名)

Who are these defilers of the Lord's temple:是谁闯入了领主的神庙

In nomine Dei Patris omnipotentis et in virtute Spiritus Sancti.|[拉丁文] | Who are these defilers of the Lord's temple?|是谁闯入了领主的神庙? | Out of the way.|让开