英语人>词典>汉英 : 颁布法令 的英文翻译,例句
颁布法令 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

promulgate a decree
更多网络例句与颁布法令相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The European Union has outlawed both brown amphibole and white chrysotile asbestos and the World Health Organisation has classified all types as human carcinogens.


In 1102, King Sancho of Navarre legally recognized our wines and in 1635, the mayor of Logrono issued a by-law that prohibited the driving of carts along the streets adjacent to the bodegas "lest the vibration of these vehicles alter the quality of the must".


The Riverkeeper , a New York environmental group, has called for a permanent ban on drilling in ecologically sensitive areas such as the state's Catskills region.


In that situation, as we strive with all thought, care, effort and zeal for everything to be brought to the desired end, and with confidence in the gift of God, we have decreed that legates with a special mission from us -- who will be cardinals of the holy Roman church and who are soon to be named by us, on the advice of our brothers, in our secret consistory -- shall be appointed and sent with authority and with the necessary and appropriate faculties, as messengers of peace, for the arranging, negotiating and settling of this universal peace among Christians, for the embarking upon an expedition against the infidels, with the approval of this sacred council, and for inducing the said kings, out of generosity of soul befitting their rank and out of devotion towards the catholic faith, to move with ready and eager minds towards the holy tasks of both peace and the expedition, for the total and perfect protection, defence and safety of the entire christian state.

在这种情况下,我们在努力与所有思想,护理,精力和热情都被带到理想的目的,并有信心在上帝的礼物,我们已颁布法令, legates了特殊的使命我们-谁在枢机主教的神圣罗马教会,谁是不久将任命由我们的意见,我们的兄弟,在我们的秘密一致性-应任命和派出的权威和必要的和适当的院系,作为和平使者,的安排,谈判和解决这一普遍和平的基督徒,为著手远征打击异教徒批准,这个神圣的议会,并诱导说君王,出於慷慨的灵魂符合其级别和出奉献对天主教的信仰,将与作好准备,实现心中的神圣任务,和平与考察,为彻底和完善的保护,防务和安全的整个基督教国家。

And then, in 1666, needing to save money, Charles decreed that court dress ought to be simplified from its previous decorative excesses.


Carter's character is quick to decree the death sentence for the slightest offense, and is notorious for her condemning cry "Off with his head".


In the meantime, with the approval of the sacred council, we have decreed, as we proposed and desired with all our heart, the ecclesiastical reform of our curia and of our venerable brothers, the cardinals of the holy Roman church, and of others dwelling in Rome, and many other necessary things, which will be contained in our other letters due for publication in this same session.


Perhaps fittingly, China itself is likely to be one of the first countries to feel the effect of the trade in tiger parts.


After a 17-year letter-writing campaign, magazine editor Sarah Josepha Hale finally convinced President Abraham Lincoln to issue an 1863 decree recognizing the historic tradition.


Abbas issued decrees Sunday annulling a law requiring the new government to be approved by parliament, which is dominated by Hamas, and outlawing the Islamic group's militias.


更多网络解释与颁布法令相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


根据一些学者的说法,罗马公民可以向该撒上诉是源于主前30年,那时亚古士都(Augustus)获权亲自听审上诉案件. 几年后,罗马颁布一项法令,禁止地方行政官(magistrate)鞭打、杀害、施刑于任何上告该撒的公民,或阻止他们在规定的期限前往罗马.

the Civil Law:民法

在法理学家们的影响下发展而成的罗马法律由三个主要分支组成:民法(the civil law),民族的法律(the law of peoples)和自然法(the natural law). 民法是罗马和他的公民的法律,其存在于书面和非书面的形式中,它包括元老院的条例、最基本的法令和执政官的颁布的布告,


自从11世纪第一次举行了狂欢节(Carnival)以来,服装(costumes)和面具(masks)就成了威尼斯一个很显著的特点(feature),人们一年到头也经常穿戴. 16世纪颁布法令禁止在正式宴会和狂欢节期间使用服装和面具. 不幸的是,随着时间的流逝,

enact statute:颁布法令

5. Tariff reduction and exemption 关税减免 | 6. enact statute 颁布法令 | 7. inward and outward luggage 进出境行李

烦恼,骚扰(harass 骚扰):harassment n

embodiment n 化身;体现(embody 体现) | harassment n 烦恼,骚扰(harass 骚扰) | enactment n (法令)颁布(enact 颁布)


1998年环保局颁布法令,明文规定要减低制药厂有毒气体及危险气体的排放.包括亚甲基(Methylene),氯化物(Chloride), 甲醇(Methanol)和HCI. 预估减少的排放量将比前期少24,000吨.


时间就会正常流逝.若想"时光飞逝如电"那就请点击速度条中的四级速度(African Swallon)吧.最后,是如何调整财政收支.按下"财政管理"(Adjust & Review)后,点击"预算"(Budget)便可调整各项收支.点击"法令"(Ordinances)便可通过颁布法律调


surveillance camera 监控摄像头 | promulgate 颁布(法令) | hazard (危险)

promulgate regulations:颁布法令

inevitable 必然的,不可避免的 | promulgate regulations 颁布法令 | theory of relativity 相对论

Gesellschaft leisten bei:结伙,作伴

auf den Geschmack kommen 产生了兴趣 | Gesellschaft leisten bei 结伙,作伴 | ein Gesetz erlassen zu 颁布法令