英语人>词典>汉英 : 非肉体的 的英文翻译,例句
非肉体的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Thus,literary ecocentrism champions the radical aesthetics of relinquishment,that is,giving up the centrality and subjectiveness of man,and the illusion of mental and bodily apartness from one's environment,and ascribing the subjectiveness to the nonhuman world.


For if it beout of a principle of charity, as they pretend, and love to men's souls thatthey deprive them of their estates, maim them with corporal punishments, starveand torment them in noisome prisons, and in the end even take away their lives— I say, if all this be done merely to make men Christians and procure theirsalvation, why then do they suffer whoredom, fraud, malice, and such-likeenormities, which[4] manifestlyrelish of heathenish corruption, to predominate so much and abound amongsttheir flocks and people?


The origin of an organism 's inheritable body, or morphogenesis, is due then to a partnership of nongenetic cell material and hereditary genes -- body and genes.


Forms, nevertheless, are as changeful as the moments in an hour's space, in the moveable circle wherein is that omniform God of whom we have spoken.


The whole point of the physical experience is the expansion beyond that which is. That's why eternity is eternal. That's why there is something more than now, because the now will foster the desire that the Non-Physical Energy will answer. That's why there is eternally more. Always has been, always will be.


The subsistence of God the Word before the Incarnation was simple and uncompound, and incorporeal and uncreate: but after it became flesh, it became also the subsistence of the flesh, and became compounded of divinity which it always possessed, and of flesh which it had assumed: and it bears the properties of the two natures, being made known in two natures: so that the one same subsistence is both uncreate in divinity and create in humanity, visible and invisible.


Discarnate humans are a nonphysical parasite to Earth.


In a previous paper (13) it has been pointed out that these physiological drives or needs are to be considered unusual rather than typical because they are isolable, and because they are localizable somatically.


Any drive that is somatically based and localizable was shown to be atypical rather than typical in human motivation.


In the light dream will be angels and other nonphysical forces that will support one's choice to ascend.


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快速医疗不会增加当生物变形(polymorph)时获得的生命值. 幽灵(spectres)、缚灵(wraiths)和其他一些生物没有肉体身体. 这类生物没有实质形体,非魔法的物质或能量无法接触到这类非实体生物. 同样的,它们也不能使用物体或对物体施加物理影响.

psychological stress:心理壓力

"心理压力"(Psychological Stress)和"情绪压力"(Emotional Stress),基本上都是生活的波折. 当压力激发我们去行动,这是有益的,当我们长期处於肉体和情绪的压力困扰下而崩溃,就变成有害. 他进一步指出,非药物治疗法适用於轻度忧郁症,


"再生"(Reincarnation)一译"复活",指灵魂在人死后于另一肉体中重生的现象,即是轮回、转世之意. 这种观念本非基督教所有,源出古希腊和古印度,十九世纪法国唯灵论者颇主张此说. 这种观念的最有力证据,是回忆前生及表现出"先前人格"(前世的人格).