英语人>词典>汉英 : 非正常死亡 的英文翻译,例句
非正常死亡 的英文翻译、例句


irregular death
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Adopting the method of demography and historical georgraphy, and on the basis of the administravie division of county and an imaginary Fu,this article reconstructs china's abnormal death roll during the period of 1959-1961, which amounts to 32,500 thousand.


Adopting the method of demography and historical georgraphy,andon the basis of the administravie division of county and an imaginary Fu,this article reconstructs china's abnormal death roll during the period of 1959-1961,which amounts to 32,500thousand.


Adopting the method of demography and historical georgraphy,andon the basis of the administravie division of county and an imaginary Fu,this article reconstructs china's abnormal death roll during the period of 1959-1961, amounts to 32,500thousand.


Adopting the method of demography and historical georgraphy,andon the basis of the administravie division of county and an imaginary Fu,this article reconstructs china's abnormal death roll during the period of 1959-1961,which amounts to 32,500thousand.


Adopting the method of demography and historical georgraphy,andon the basis of the administravie division of county and an imaginary Fu,this article reconstructs china's abnormal death roll during the period of 1959-1961,which amounts to 32,500thousand.


Adopting the method of demography and historical georgraphy,andon the basis of the administravie division of county and an imaginary Fu,this article reconstructs china's abnormal death roll during the period of 1959-1961,which amounts to 32,500thousand.


adopting the method of demography and historical georgraphy,andon the basis of the administravie division of county and an imaginary fu,this article reconstructs china's abnormal death roll during the period of 1959-1961, which amounts to 32,500thousand.and we will find a great negative correlationbetween the death roll of 1959-1961and that of 1851-1875.this article believesthat,it is not the average resources and food in different regions,but the folk"historical memory"about famine that leads to this special result.

内容 摘要:本文采用人口学和历史地理学的方法,以县级政区为基础,以虚拟的&府&级政区为单位,重建1959-1961年中国各地非正常死亡人口数。计算结果表明,1959-1961年中国的非正常死亡人口多达3250万。将1959-1961年的分府死亡人口与1851-1875年的分府死人口进行对比,可知两个时代的人口非正常死亡呈强负相关。本文认为,造成这一奇特结果的原因在于民间关于饥荒的&历史记忆&,而与各个区域人均拥有的资源及粮食无关。

Adopting the method of demography and historical georgraphy,andon the basis of the administravie division of county and an imaginary Fu,this article reconstructs china's abnormal death roll during the period of 1959-1961,which amounts to 32,500thousand.


Adopting the method of demography and historical georgraphy,andon the basis of the administravie division of county and an imaginary Fu,this article reconstructs china's abnormal death roll during the period of 1959-1961,which amounts to 32,500thousand.

曹树基 提要:本文采用人口学和历史地理学的方法,以县级政区为基础,以虚拟的&府&级政区为单位,重建1959-1961年中国各地非正常死亡人口数。计算结果表明,1959-1961年中国的非正常死亡人口多达3250万。

Adopting the method of demography and historical georgraphy,andon the basis of the administravie division of county and an imaginary Fu,this article reconstructs china's abnormal death roll during the period of 1959-1961,which amounts to 32,500thousand.


更多网络解释与非正常死亡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

unnatural death:非正常死亡

traffic in 贸易(交易,买卖) | unnatural death 非正常死亡 | valid certificate 有效证件