英语人>词典>汉英 : 非意志的 的英文翻译,例句
非意志的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与非意志的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Noumenon of rationality emphasizes the definite, the order and the procedure, and focuses on instilling knowledge and technique, while the sensibility emphasizes the non-definite, the disorderliness and enhances individual emotion and free will.


It is then "a freedom from nature" and "a freedom for values." 3. The "will-contingency" structure of Scotus' theory might then offer the room for free choice of alternative possibilities, a radical indeterminism in the nature of things, a more correct understanding of physical reality, the image of a free, dynamic and creative God, and an evolutive history of humanity as well.


If the Free Will Theodicy is correct, then God can only control the non-human environment.


The cause of the will's movement away from God is unknowable non-being.


The human spirit of non history is shown in:the tendency of subjective idealism and volitionism;the tendency of various kdinds of utopianism and fan...


In addition, making use of the Anselmian distinction of two affections: affection for advantageous and affection for justice, and of the Aristotelian distinction between rational and irrational potencies as well, Scotus comes to define the will as rational free potency, and freedom is steadfastness, a whole-hearted commitment to and pursuit of the good, or the capacity to love a chosen object more deeply, with an intensity which deepens the commitment to that object.


Rasuls Love {Muhabat}, Keep His Presence { Hudur},Execute His Will upon our selves {Annilation or Fana} Fana fi Ma Shaykh , RasulAllah, Allah..

至爱贵圣{Muhabat},坚持他的实存{ Hudur},使他的意志在我们的意志之上{寂灭或非纳}非纳在Ma 师衣海,安拉的使者。

Whether it would happen turned on four great questions: Would East and West Germany be reunited; would Russia become a truly democratic, stable, nonimperial nation; what would happen to Yugoslavia, a cauldron of diverse ethnic provinces, which had been held together by the iron will of Marshal Tito; and would Russia and the former Communist countries be integrated into the European Union and the transatlantic NATO alliance with the United States and Canada?


Just because an agent's choices are uncoerced, hard determinists claim, does not change the fact that determinism robs the agent of responsibility.


Just because an agent's choices are uncoerced, hard determinists claim, does not change the fact that determinism robs the agent of responsibility.


更多网络解释与非意志的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


第二种观点称为"非决定论"或"自由意志论"(indeterminism),它认为,人与动物最大的不同就在于他有自由选择的能力. 我们必须先选择我们将要成为什么样的人,我们才会成为什么样的人,纯粹的个人存在只是"空无",我们的自由意志给它填充进"意义".

life insurance:人寿保险

处在金字塔最底层的是"人寿保险"(LIFE INSURANCE)、"健康保险"( MEDICAL INSURANCE)和"遗嘱授权书"(WILL),属於非控制项目(即指疾病和死亡的发生是不以人的意志为转移的,人无法控制).



amort winding:阻尼绕组, 阻尼线圈

amorphus sugar | 非晶形糖(未离心分蜜含微粒的糖膏) | amort winding | 阻尼绕组, 阻尼线圈 | amort | 无生气的, 意志消沉的, 濒于死亡的

natural calamities:灾害

若保险货物在运输过程中发生承保责任范围内的损失,承保人应按照其出具保险单的规定给予投保人经济上的补偿. 自然灾害(Natural Calamities)是指不以人的意志为转移的、人类不可抗拒的非一般自然力量所造成的灾害,例如恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、洪水、等.

Des Droits et des Devoirs d Citoyen:论公民的权利和义务

Der Will zur Macht 权力意志 | Des Droits et des Devoirs d Citoyen 论公民的权利和义务 | Deschooling Society 非学校社会