英语人>词典>汉英 : 非人化 的英文翻译,例句
非人化 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dehumanization  ·  dehumanize  ·  dehumanized  ·  dehumanizes  ·  dehumanizing

更多网络例句与非人化相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And alienation became a kind of unbearable powers, which makes it necessary to abrogate alienation.


This type of technology embodies a frightening dehumanization that inevitably isolates the individual.


It concerns the control, the dehumanization of the psyches of our troops.


The reduction of people to material objects is merely another step down in the process of dehumanization.

将 人们降低为仅仅物质化的实物,只不过通往非人化的另一个台阶。

In The Rainbow, the writer shows dehumanization and isolation in the industry society, and also the alienation between man and nature, man and society and man and man.


I seldom see the dehumanization that violence produces, not only in its victims, but also in its criminals.


I seldom see the dehumanization that iolence produces, not only in its ictims, but also in its criminals.


Alienation is thus a denial of creative human potentiality , the dehumanization of the subject and an obstacle to the building of a truly human community.


By now it is commonly understood that although the employment of technology in education does not lead to dehumanization, it cannot be justified in and of itself except on the basis of a nontechnological educational rationale.


What Christ accomplished once and for all must be appropriated freely by those who are "in Christ"; their goal is "deification," which does not mean dehumanization but the exaltation of man to the dignity prepared for him at creation.


更多网络解释与非人化相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


幽默地揭示现代社会非人化的情况~电影在拍摄上也采取极多相似和重复的手法~ 摄影机经常以近距离的定镜捕捉人物的正面, 然后再 zoom-in 或 zoom-out~ 这种拍摄手法不单突出片中人茫然不知所措的心理状况, 统一运用起来更成为片中另一种 "过多" (excessive) 的元素, 跟电影


根据古代的对应词,那种模式叫做"氏族"(gens). 在莫根的著作里,"野蛮人"并无否定含义:它骄傲地对抗着"文明"的工业资本主义的非人化和异化过程,是经过荣誉感和反抗精神打磨旧的徽章. 但是以这种方式背离现代化的社会秩序,