英语人>词典>汉英 : 雾峰 的英文翻译,例句
雾峰 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与雾峰相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most of the frequency(1455.99 ± 187.09 Hz to 3534.13 ± 301.53 Hz)of songs in Chinese bulbul are overlapped with environment noise(under 3000Hz). In order to study the impact of urban noise on the song performances of Chinese bulbul, this study was carried out at Taichung urban areas focusing on the difference of dialects between different environment noise habitats(Shu Yi Area, Chung Hsing University, Taichung Metropolitan Park) from March to November 2007. In addition to the 3 study sites, I sampled another 6 sites (Fengle Park, Taichung Park, Botanical Garden, Art Boulevard, Ren De Village, Tong Lin Village)to find out the differences of songs frequency resulted from different environment noise habitats.


Guagzhou Chenliji Pharmaceuticel Factry,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510180)Abstract To establish a method for the identification of storax and the determination of cassia acid in storax by HPLC. Methods: TLC and HPLC were applied.

HPLC在适当的条件下,采用色谱峰检出法,TLC采用硅胶GF254薄层板,ψ(石油醚∶正己烷∶甲酸乙酯∶甲酸)=10∶30∶15∶1为展开剂,荧光及硫酸乙醇喷雾两次检出;定量采用ODS C18色谱柱(4.6 mm×150 mm×5μm),流动相:ψ=58∶42∶0.3,检测波长271 nm,流速:1 mL/min。

Results Bulbus alkaloids easily formed molecular ions(superscript + in MS and dimerized easily in alcohol solution, which did not dimerize in acidity solution. Collision induced dissociation made these alkaloids easily lose a molecule of H2O. The MS spectra of the extracts of five Bulbu Fritillartae species indicated that the major molecular ions were similar to each other, but different varieties showed very different relative abundances of these molecular ions.

结果 在正离子一级质谱中,贝母生物碱易形成带一个正电荷的准分子离子,并且在中性醇溶液中,贝母生物碱易形成二聚体,在酸性介质中则无此现象;二级碰撞诱导解离易使贝母生物碱脱去一分子水;5种贝母对照药材的总生物碱提取液的一级电喷雾质谱图显示,主要分子离子峰基本相同,但因品种不同相对丰度差异较大。

The snow-capped and mist-shrouded Kagebo Peak--the dominant peak in Meili Mountain range in the northwest of Diqing--stands aloft 6740 meters above sea level, the highest peak in Diqing and in Yunnan Province as well.


There lake islands of San Jianfeng, there are ripples of Kyorin Bibo Chunxiao, there Verdy Zuiwo of the Goddess bath days, show a small stone pagoda of rugged cliffs, there are gorgeous mountain flowers of apricot Ridge screens, have fun and grow wild turtle into the water , there are clouds in the Hua Tuo Wang fog around the vertical refers to herbs and other immortals.


There lake islands of San Jianfeng, there is blue water and gentle Xinglin pure Xiao, there are trees Zuiwo the Goddess bath days, show a small stone pagoda of rugged cliffs, there are mountain flowers bright apricot Ridge screens, have fun and grow wild turtle into the water, there are clouds in the Hua Tuo Wang fog around the vertical refers to herbs and other immortals.


In those days, the Ch'ing archives were being held under careful watch in the hills of Wu-feng, not far from T'ai-chung; the Ch'ing archives held on mainland China were at that time totally inaccessible to me, due to the turmoils of China during the aftermath of the "great leap forward" and the preambles to the equally catastrophic "great proletarian cultural revolution."


In those days, the Ch'ing archives were being held under careful watch in the hills of Wu-feng, not far from T'ai-chung; the Ch'ing archives held on mainland China were at that time totally inaccessible to me, due to the turmoils of China during the aftermath of the "great leap forward" and the preambles to the equally catastrophic "great proletarian cultural revolution."


The study site is located at Wung-Fong Agricultural Research Institute where the interference caused by buildings which affect the wind direction to Eddy Covariance System can be reduced to the minimum. The measurement was made from 28th April to 5th June in 2009 through automated measurement and data logging system.


The results showed: when TLC solvent system was: chloroform - methanol - diethyl amine = 90:9:1, alkaloids from lotus leaves were well isolated, and five components were isolated and identified by spraying Dragendorff reagent. The optimal conditions of HPLC solvent system were: methanol- water - diethyl amine = 75:25:0.0125. Under the conditions, components of alkaloids from lotus leaves were separated very well, and ideal RP-HPLC peaks were obtained.5、Methods of High Speed Counter Current Chromatography and preparative High Performance Liquid Chromatography applied to identify and purify alkaloids from lotus leaves were set up. When solvent system of HSCCC was: chloroform - methanol - water (pH=4.00)= 4:3:2, speed of chromatogram was 700rpm, flow speed of the mobile phase was 2mL/min, four pure components relatively were attained by isolation and purification.


更多网络解释与雾峰相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

fog signal:雾中信号

fog 雾 | fog-signal 雾中信号 | fogbank 雾峰


fog-signal 雾中信号 | fogbank 雾峰 | fogbound 进退不得的


fogbank 雾峰 | fogbound 进退不得的 | fogbow 雾虹


fogbank /雾峰/ | fogbound /被雾笼罩的/ | fogbow /雾虹/

Lins of Panchiao, The:板桥林家

411. 林洋港 Lin Yang-kang | 412. 板桥林家 Lins of Panchiao, The | 413. 雾峰林家 Lins of Wufeng, The

Lins of Wufeng, The:雾峰林家

412. 板桥林家 Lins of Panchiao, The | 413. 雾峰林家 Lins of Wufeng, The | 414. 宋理宗 Li-tsung

Mist Sea and Cloud Mount:雾海云山

"双峰插云" Two Peaks Piercing the Cloud | "雾海云山" Mist Sea and Cloud Mount | "兴坪佳镜" Shingping Wonderland