英语人>词典>汉英 : 雪下的 的英文翻译,例句
雪下的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In fact, the defoliation in autumn and the deadwood in winter will climb back to the trees silently and become the flowers in spring and grow up into the leaves in summer at the time of autumnal winds is blowing strongliest and the snow falls down most heavily.


She was driving home when the snow became heavier and heavier.


It's snowing very hard, The sky is dark and gloomy.

1, 雪下的很大,天空灰蒙蒙的。

As it was really snowy, it took me longer to get to school.


Occasionally we wade through fields of snow, under whose depths the river is lost for many rods, to appear again to the right or left, where we least expected; still holding on its way underneath, with a faint, stertorous, rumbling sound, as if, like the bear and marmot, it too had hibernated, and we had followed its faint summer trail to where it earthed itself in snow and ice.


IT was winter-time; the air was cold, the wind was sharp, but within the closed doors it was warm and comfortable, and within the closed door lay the flower; it lay in the bulb under the snow-covered earth.


T was winter-time; the air was cold, the wind was sharp, but within the closed doors it was warm and comfortable, and within the closed door lay the flower; it lay in the bulb under the snow-covered earth.


Today let me see the snow first, go out to thr side of Michigan lake. In morning Dec 23 th,there were few people on the front of the Michigan lake, wind was scatching hard, big snow flight troublously, water wave impected the bank, many groups of wide gooses were eating grasses under the covered snow, how beautiful view!


They drill in the depth snow, originally is the grouses digs "the snow to get down the city" well.


Before this, the 9th city ever fell because of acting blizzard banner " demon animal world " a new force suddenly rises.


更多网络解释与雪下的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


园中种植了维奥娜(Viognier)雪当利(Chardonnay)、贝露娃(Pinot Noir)和穗乐仙(Shiraz)等克隆的葡萄品种. 在Farr家族的精心管理下,葡萄的品质非常突出,再加上Gary Farr的巧手打造,庄园出品的四款美酒都是具有布根地酒风的澳洲名酿:百发庄园--雪当利Gary Farr-Chardonnay,

snow heavily:雪下得很大

南北有很大的不同 There are many differences between the north and the south. | 雪下得很大 snow heavily | 雨下得很大 rain heavily

severed teak:木頭 剛切下的硬柚木

灌木 * 發亮的花 luminous flower | 木頭 剛切下的硬柚木 severed teak | 木頭 * 剛切下的雪松木 severed cedar

siver:血哇(看见血害怕呀) 颤 抖

sheet,雪特(雪下的特别大). (水,雪,火等)一大片 | siver,血哇(看见血害怕呀) 颤 抖 | shiver,些瓦(一些瓦片),碎片;破片


听说中间还出去玩了雪撬(sled), 打了雪仗. 离开的时候,几个孩子也颇有些依依不舍,互相大声告别. 回来问甜瓜下个星期还要不要去,甜瓜马上点头说要去. 看上去他还挺喜欢的. 已有30年历史的尼克频道(Nickelodeon)是儿童娱乐第一品牌.

Under the Cedar tree:就在那棵雪松树下

'Tea will be served on the lawn"我们在草坪上用茶, | Under the Cedar tree.'就在那棵雪松树下. " | But do you remember Lebanon?可你是否记得你的故土?

winter snows:冬天下了雪

直到黄昏 until evenfall | 冬天下了雪 winter snows | 时序女神偷去了我的青春 Horae stole my youth

It snows hard:雪下的很大

298.They settled down in the city. 他们在这座城市安家落户. | 299.You look very smaxt to day. 你今天真漂亮. | 300.It snows hard. 雪下的很大.

lt was this Andean nightmare of flutings of the finest powder:就像是安第斯人噩梦中的凹槽

we actually saw what we'd been trying to climb.|我们看到 了... | lt was this Andean nightmare of flutings of the finest powder|就像是安第斯人噩梦中的凹槽 | gauged out by snow falling down,|被滑下的雪的强...


的朗晴ynnuseb | 雪下wons | 气天rehtaew