英语人>词典>汉英 : 雅淡 的英文翻译,例句
雅淡 的英文翻译、例句


simple and elegant
更多网络例句与雅淡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But the first word is neither allusion, also not melt, and main lines of life is derived from the word, accurately and vividly the foison and express the lotus his homesickness, have a kind of easy, light, natural and pure and fresh style.


Creeping closer through the swaying umbrage of the placid, viridescent shadows of the tranquil trees, Tyadara silently drew her steel longsword, hoping to remain unseen as she drew nearer.


Twelve genera of soil moniliaceous hyphomycetes were isolated from thirty-five samples which were collected from five ecosystem-types of the middle reaches of Yarlung Zangbo River of Tibet.


Month of the property market in Guangzhou has been short ??, but the property market in Guangzhou in July of this year will no longer be quiet, not only because many projects will be launched in July, new goods, such as Qifuxincun vitality Gardens Phase II, Lotus two ??, calendar sent Shab new phase units, Yingcaimeiju new phase "Ching goods ?? and to design alternative fashion "glass" and caused a furore Grand Del Sol development of the new project,"Long Ching.


Maybe a little bit offensive,since I am so pissed off the feedback of my previous post protesting against one old guysending message full of deprecating HZ.Whatever your thoughts,you are the guys who I really wanna talk with and worth that.


As a native place of wild pepper, cherry and numerous fruits as well as a high-yield agricultural base, it is known far and near as a green ecological garden on the Ya ' an-panzhihua line.


Intelligent and charming Suzhou gardens with construction style of plain, elegant and light nature, construction tone of black, white and gray color and also the water, the soul of Suzhou.


更多网络解释与雅淡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

D diligent:勤奋的BOBO组合一定会走到最后的

C-classic 这对有着天鹅般优雅气质的男孩,淡到极至始觉雅! | D-diligent 勤奋的BOBO组合一定会走到最后的! | E-eyes 愿沉浸在你们纯洁真诚的双眸里,永不醒来!


第一个系列"叶子"(Leaves)中有五款香水,其中就有一款茶(Tea),用的也是红茶. 而雅诗兰黛旗下的品牌Origins也有以中国白毫银针为材料的白茶(White Tea)系列,不过这一产品系列中并没有香水(Eau de Parfum)或者淡香水(Eau de Toilette)之类的种类,


阿拉伯音乐 木卡姆,是埃及音乐的的灵魂,比较常用的有20多种,在舞曲中有隆加(Longa)及布尔卡(Burka)还有埃及的苏非、肚皮舞等等,埃及的唱腔如雅尔(Yalel)及淡札尔(Tamzara),声乐曲木夏哈(Moushahat)及多尔(Dor)等.


面膜 美体考究(BodyWave) 甘草根面膜 保湿面膜 希思黎(Sisly) 瞬间保湿面膜 桑丽卡(SoniaRykiel) 海藻保湿面膜 保湿 贝佳斯(Borghese) 强效润肤剂 健安喜(GNC) 芦荟胶 保湿喷雾 雅漾(Avene) 活泉喷雾 植村秀(ShuUemura) 海洋深层水 美白 黛珂(Decorte) 莹白ex美白精华液 黛珂(Decorte) 液化美白粉 美白淡疤 葆疗美 三合一甘