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雅可比方程 的英文翻译、例句


equation of jacobi
更多网络例句与雅可比方程相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Starting with properties of cubic parabola, it is demonstrated elementarily that solving elliptic equations using Jacobian elliptic functions, analytic solutions for a class of nonlinear wave equations and properties of nonlinear waves can be obtained, especially for solitary waves.


As to the problem of divergency of conventional power flow method,By using an augment eqution this method can get the exact limit of voltage stability and the whole PV curve without encountering the numerical difficulty of ill-conditioning.

针对常规潮流法在鞍结分岔点附近不收敛,该方法通过增加一维潮流方程,消除了功率极限点附近的雅可比矩阵奇异的现象,获取精确的电压稳定极限和整支PV 曲线。

A motion reference coordinate system of this quadruped robot and its simplified-structure of the multi-rigid body dynamics model are established. After kinematic and dynamic analysis, the kinematic equation, inverse kinematic equation and Jacobi matrix of the quadruped robot are presented, and the second kind of Lagrange dynamic equation group for simplified-structure of the quadruped robots multi-rigid body system is educed.


In the two-dimensional simulation, the fully implicit difference scheme is used for the continuity equations to ensure numerical stability; Jacobian iteration is used to solve the difference equations, and only nonzero elements in the coefficient matrixes of these equations are dealt with, which reduce the requirement for memory and shorten the calculation time.


The inverse kinematic calculation is not required by the procedure given in this paper. With the interval method and simulation, the conclusion has been reached that, in most cases, robot calibration can be carried out in the nominal working space.


The singularity and dexterity of spherical five-bar mechanisms are calculated and analyzed based on Jacobin matrix of mechanisms.


The very important part for wave tomography is to get coefficentmatrix of tomography equations, that is the Jacobin matrix, or deviationderivative matrix of wave field to physical parameters.


The paper presents the formulation of the inverse kinematics of the 3-RSS/RU parallel mechanism and analyzes the direct solution. It deduces velocity Jacobian matrix. The moment transfer Jacobian matrix is obtained base on the principle of virtual work and simulated the input and output.


During the process of solving power flow, the incremental transmission loss of each node can be easily obtained by means of simply solving the transposed matrix of original n-order matrix.


Jacobian Davis iterative method of solving equations AX = B, least squares polynomial fitting, portfolio Simpson formula for integration, with a triangular decomposition method of solving equations AX = B.


更多网络解释与雅可比方程相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

action integral:作用量积分

哈密顿原理 Hamilton principle | 作用量积分 action integral | 哈密顿--雅可比方程 Hamilton-Jacobi equation

Jacobi elliptic function:雅可比椭圆函数

jacobi ellipsoid 雅可比椭球 | Jacobi elliptic function 雅可比椭圆函数 | Jacobi equation 雅可比方程

equation of higher order:高阶方程式

equation of heat conduction 热传导方程 | equation of higher order 高阶方程式 | equation of jacobi 雅可比方程

equation of jacobi:雅可比方程

equation of higher order 高阶方程式 | equation of jacobi 雅可比方程 | equation of mixed type 混合型方程

equation of mixed type:混合型方程

equation of jacobi 雅可比方程 | equation of mixed type 混合型方程 | equation of motion 运动方程

hamilton function:哈密顿函数

hamilton formula 哈密顿公式 | hamilton function 哈密顿函数 | hamilton jacobi equation 哈密顿 雅可比方程

hamilton jacobi's equation:哈密顿 雅可比方程

halogen leak detector 卤探漏器 | hamilton jacobi's equation 哈密顿 雅可比方程 | hamilton's principle 哈密顿原理

hamilton jacobi theory:哈密顿 雅可比理论

hamilton jacobi equation 哈密顿 雅可比方程 | hamilton jacobi theory 哈密顿 雅可比理论 | hamilton principle 哈密顿原理

Hamilton's principle:哈密顿原理

hamilton jacobi's equation 哈密顿 雅可比方程 | hamilton's principle 哈密顿原理 | hamiltonian 哈密顿算符


principle of least action 最小作用量原理 | Hamilton-Jacobi equation 哈密顿-雅可比方程 | virial 均位力积