英语人>词典>汉英 : 隔日的 的英文翻译,例句
隔日的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与隔日的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He and I clean our room on alternate days.


That would be equivalent to an attack on the World Trade Center every other day of the year.


Add 1 capful (6ml)per 10gals(38l) every other day for 10 days, slowing reducing dose as remission is noticed.


Methods The model of CHF by the intraperitoneal injection of ADR once every two days was established, The indexes of CHF through the observation of behavior, body weight, heart weight, ratio of heart weight and body weight, detection of heart function, observation of pathological changes in liver and lung under the light microscope as well as the myocardial pathological changes under the electroscope were studied.


During 20minutes needles retaining, do moxibustiton above the route of LI20-DU23 until erubescence in the forehead and ignite two moxa sticks about 1cm to apply above double St36 until it burn out, As for the patient of deficiency of kidney-yang, do warm moxibustion on CV4 for 30 minutes, once every two day, 15 times a course.

留针时以药艾条重灸迎香-上星处,以患者前头部温热,局部皮肤潮红为度;足三里待针刺得气后,用长约1cm的艾条点燃后插于针尾处,燃尽为止。肾阳虚者,加艾条温和灸关元30 min。针灸隔日一次,15次一疗程。

In this referral MCD population, response to daily and alternate-day steroids is similar.


Methods We randomly assigned young boys with severe hemophilia A to regular infusions of recombinant factor VIII or to an enhanced episodic infusion schedule of at least three doses totaling a minimum of 80 IU of factor VIII per kilogram of body weight at the time of a joint hemorrhage.


Tertian, female nurse arrives again ward, shut a door to pull a skirt to say: The bud silk that you see my briefs is lacy, still have...


King Wei article: Should become will begin to carry out on July 22 last year carry fast plan, beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen came true " morrow is amounted to ", carry subsequently fast provincial capital city came true " tertian amount to ".


2 Methods will 2004 ~2005 year with tertian therapeutics (of 2H3R3Z3E3/4H3R3) Tu Yang is treated first phthisical disease observes an object artificially, 2001 ~2002 year with daily therapeutics (of 2HRZE/4HR) Tu Yang is treated first phthisical disease contrasts artificially, medicaments all is the board type medicine of Shenyang red flag.


更多网络解释与隔日的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Selma Blair:塞尔玛.布莱尔

茱莉亚 史提尔 (Julia Stiles)塞尔玛 布莱尔 (Selma Blair)内容简介:保罗摩斯(Jason Lee)是位新好男人,当死党硬拉他来参加疯狂单身派对时,他只想极力保持头脑清醒,这也是为何当他隔日醒在美丽陌生女子(Julia Stiles)身旁时会如此惊讶的原因.

every second day:隔日一次

group 组 | every second day 隔日一次 | mature 成熟的



Felipe Massa:菲利佩-马萨

...索就取得了杆位,这时他只有21岁236日,是史上最年轻的杆位纪录,隔日正赛,他又取得了第三名的成绩,又打破了最... ...赛中,法拉利车队车手[[菲利佩.马萨]](Felipe Massa)取得杆位,-{zh-hans:汉密尔顿; zh-hant:汉米尔顿; zh-hk:咸美顿;第二...


1.疟疾发作(paroxysm) 疟疾的一次典型发作表现为寒战、高热和出汗退热3个连续阶段. 典型的间日疟和卵形疟隔日发作一次;三日疟为隔2天发作1次;恶性疟隔36-48小时发作一次. 3.疟疾的再燃和复发 疟疾初发停止后,患者若无再感染,


tertial 三级飞羽 | tertian 每三天发生一次的 | tertian 隔日的


tertian 隔日的 | tertian 隔日热 | tertiparatripara 三产妇


tertian 每三天发生一次的 | tertian 隔日的 | tertian 隔日热


295terseadj. 简洁的,简明的 | 296tertiana. 每三天发生一次的,隔日的 | 297tertiarya. 第三的,第三位的,第三世纪的

Queen Victoria Market:维多利亚市场

我们的飞机在隔日的早上到达了,因为通关时间很长,超过预期,所以回饭店放行李的时间被剪掉了,连休息的时间都没,随即上车前往我们在澳洲的第一站巴拉瑞特(BALLARAT)啦.这一天我们主要的两个行程是嬉皮街(BRUSWICK STREET)跟皇后维多利亚市场(QUEEN VICTORIA MARKET).