英语人>词典>汉英 : 陆战队的指挥官 的英文翻译,例句
陆战队的指挥官 的英文翻译、例句


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Jim Webb, the junior senator from Virginia, who defeated the incumbent Republican George Allen in 2006, is or has been: a best-selling author; a screenwriter (Rules of Engagement, and another in the works); an Emmy-winning documentary producer; the author of a large number of articles and book reviews; an Annapolis graduate; a boxer (he lost a legendary and controversial championship match at Annapolis against Oliver North ); an autodidact who grew up a military man's son and indifferent student but on his own became a passionate reader of history; a first lieutenant and Marine rifle platoon commander with Delta Company in Vietnam, where he won the Navy Cross for heroism (the second-highest award in the Navy and the Marines), the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars, and two Purple Hearts; a graduate of Georgetown Law School who then worked on the staff of the House Veterans Affairs Committee; a teacher of English literature at the Naval Academy; and an assistant secretary of defense and then secretary of the Navy during the Reagan administration.


RE:No, the guy giving the speech in the beginning was was Colonel 'Chesty' Puller. He was Basilone's regimental commander, and still to this day something of a legend in the Marine Corps.

不是,最开始演讲的是Basilone团指挥官 Puller 上校,这个人至今仍是海军陆战队的传奇人物。

The British fleet in the Black Sea, comprising 16 warships with a total of 645 guns, was commanded by Vice-Admiral Sir James Dundas, with Rear-Admiral Sir Edmund Lyons in command of its in-shore squadron. Once it became clear that the Russian navy had been blockaded in Sevastopol, a Royal Navy brigade went ashore with guns from several ships to swell he besieging force


Partridge, as the commander of the 1st Engineer Battalion, was the division engineer.


The maximum age for officers is 28, except for battalion commanders, usually colonels, who may be up to 35 years of age.


"It is a great honor for us to support 2nd MEB, and we are proud to be the first unit to bring this aircraft into Afghanistan," said Col. Gareth F. Brandl, 22nd MEU commanding officer.


更多网络解释与陆战队的指挥官相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


beachmaster 陆战队的指挥官 | beachmaster 登陆指挥官 | beachrock 滩岩


beaching 船只搁浅 | beachmaster 陆战队的指挥官 | beachmaster 登陆指挥官

beachmaster:登陆指挥官, 陆战队的指挥官

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●手榴弹(Grenade)在指挥官研发完成后,将成为陆战队的基本配备. 异形主巢. 在这个一盖下去被异形(Aliens)发现之后,想当然一定会被猛二号武器:酸性气体(Heal) 具有治疗的功能,可以帮你面前的建筑物或四号武器:蜘蛛丝(Web) 可以在短时间内困住碰到的人类,


单位是小组(Squad)或是核心(Cell),小组是我们对美国海军陆战队(U.S. Marine)每个单位的术语,同样的,核心就是暴民的单位. 每个小组/核心包含了8个成员,第一个进入该小队/核心的人将会成为指挥官. 暴动透过增援波浪来让玩家重返战场.


beachhead 滩头阵地 | beaching 船只搁浅 | beachmaster 陆战队的指挥官