英语人>词典>汉英 : 阿洛伊修斯 的英文翻译,例句
阿洛伊修斯 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Aloysius  ·  Aloisius

更多网络例句与阿洛伊修斯相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sister Aloysius: I will do what needs to be done!


Sister Aloysius: But I have my certainty.


Sister Aloysius: You will lose.


James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish writer and poet, widely considered to be one of the most influential writers of the 20th century.


Aloysius Katsina-Alu, the new chief justice, was sworn in by his predecessor last month.


Deep in Leinster street by Trinity's postern a loyal king's man, Hornblower, touched his tallyho cap.


Ajax was a man of giant stature,daring but slow.when the trojan war was about to break out he led his forces from salamis to join the greek army at aulis.as one of the trustiest champions of the greek cause,he was given thejob of guarding one end of the greek camp near troy.he was noted in the battlefield for his bravery and courage.after achilles'''' death he became one of the two hot contestants for the dead hero''''s shield and armour,the other being odysseus.when the weapons were finally judged to his rival,ajax went mad for grief.unable to get over the hardships,he took his own life.when,in order to seek the advice of,odysseus came to visit the lower world,the shade of ajax frowned uponhim.in the lower world ajax chose to be a lion,guided clearly by the bitter recollection of his former life.


Ajax ajax was a man of giant stature,daring but slow.when the trojan war was about to break out he led his forces from salamis to join the greek army at aulis.as one of the trustiest champions of the greek cause ,he was given thejob of guarding one end of the greek camp near troy.he was noted in the battlefield for his bravery and courage.after achilles'' death he became one of the two hot contestants for the dead hero''s shield and armour ,the other being odysseus.when the weapons were finally judged to his rival,ajax went mad for grief.unable to get over the hardships,he took his own life.when ,in order to seek the advice of,odysseus came to visit the lower world,the shade of ajax frowned uponhim.in the lower world ajax chose to be a lion,guided clearly by the bitter recollection of his former life.


Ajax埃杰克斯 ajax was a man of giant stature,daring but slow.when the trojan war was about to break out he led his forces from salamis to join the greek army at aulis.as one of the trustiest champions of the greek cause,he was given thejob of guarding one end of the greek camp near troy.he was noted in the battlefield for his bravery and courage.after achilles'' death he became one of the two hot contestants for the dead hero''s shield and armour,the other being odysseus.when the weapons were finally judged to his rival,ajax went mad for grief.


Ajax was a man of giant stature,daring but slow.when the trojan war was about to break out he led his forces from salamis to join the greek army at aulis.as one of the trustiest champions of the greek cause,he was given thejob of guarding one end of the greek camp near troy.he was noted in the battlefield for his bravery and courage.after achilles'' death he became one of the two hot contestants for the dead hero''s shield and armour,the other being odysseus.when the weapons were finally judged to his rival,ajax went mad for grief.unable to get over the hardships,he took his own life.when,in order to seek the advice of,odysseus came to visit the lower world,the shade of ajax frowned uponhim.in the lower world ajax chose to be a lion,guided clearly by the bitter recollection of his former life.


更多网络解释与阿洛伊修斯相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


aloxite | 铝砂 人造刚玉磨料 | Aloysius | 阿洛伊修斯 | alp | 高山

Aloisius; Aloysius:阿洛伊修斯

Aloisia--阿洛伊西婭(女) | Aloisius; Aloysius--阿洛伊修斯 | Alpay--阿爾佩


在将帕特罗克洛斯的尸体放上火葬用的柴堆之前,阿奇里斯剪下一束他的头发,献祭了马匹、狗,和十二个特洛伊俘虏. 在荷马的奥德赛(Odyssey)中,奥德修斯在冥府见到阿奇里斯,帕特罗克洛斯、大埃阿斯与安提洛科斯(Antilochus)伴随着他.


4伊阿珀托斯(Iapetus)是普洛米修斯和阿特拉斯的父亲,而且是人类的祖先. 5狄安娜(Phoebe)希腊神话中的远古泰坦巨人中掌管月亮的女神. 6特提斯(Thethys)希腊神话中的巨人和海神,同时是奥斯尼斯的妹妹和妻子.




1 俄刻阿洛斯(Oceanus)海洋之神. 海洋(Oceanu)正来自他的名字. 2科俄斯(Coeus)智力之神. 菲碧的老公. 4伊阿珀托斯(Iapetus)是普洛米修斯和阿特拉斯的父亲,而且是人类的祖先. 5狄安娜(Phoebe)希腊神话中的远古泰坦巨人中掌管月亮的女神.








当结束了祭祖之行后,亚历山大就前往阿里斯贝(Arisbe) [ 阿修比注:名字源于特洛伊最后一任国王普里阿摩斯(Priam)的第一任妻子,她是先知墨洛普斯(Merops)的女儿.