英语人>词典>汉英 : 阳伞 的英文翻译,例句
阳伞 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
parasol  ·  umbrellas

更多网络例句与阳伞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There was something rather old-fashioned about our entire stay: the excessively polite guide who collected us in the morning; the beautiful girls in traditional costumes who served us numerous dishes at mealtimes; the cool linen clothes and brightly coloured umbrellas we needed to combat the furnace-like heat; the fountains which played in the courtyards in the Bamboo Garden in the evening. I felt like a character in a Forster novel, wearing a long skirt and brandishing a Baedeker.


Main products are round log, handle of besom, mopstick, shank of tool, handle of beach parasol, as well as processing a wide range of wooden craftwork materials.


He could see it plainly between the gaunt trunks of the water-oaks and across the stretch of yellow camomile.


Fishing tools, camp bed , beach umbrella bumbersoll, tent, sleeping bag


It has four large rooms and a large exterior balcony, facilitating you to take a good view of the sea. When reclining on the chaise longue under the bumbersoll, or leaning against the railing of the wooden balcony, you will surely feel integrated with the forest and the sea.


We specializes in selling advertisement sun umbrella, sun shed, straight-handle automatic-open umbrella, folded umbrella, advertisement rainproof, dustcoat, T-shirt and other promotion products as well as all kinds of specifications of products, which can be customized according to customers' different requirements.


They were a pretty, buxom quartette, so crammed into the carriage that their hoops and flounces overlapped and their parasols nudged and bumped together above their wide leghorn sun hats, crowned with roses and dangling with black velvet chin ribbons.


They were a pretty, buxom quartette, so crammed into the carriage th at their hoops and flounces overlapped and their parasols nudged and bumped together above their wide leghorn sun h at s, crowned with roses and dangling with black velvet chin ribbons.


The main products include outdoor leisure tables and chairs, luxury side-post parasol, garden furniture, reclining chairs for swimming pool, beach chairs, gazebos, beer house, Cool loose kind, Park chairs, Trash can seres products.


Beneath its pink-lined shelter were his wife, Mrs. Pontellier, and young Robert Lebrun.


更多网络解释与阳伞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

su hade cloth:阳伞布

su creen milk cream 防晒蜜 | su hade cloth 阳伞布 | Su hine 阳光聚丙烯和聚乙烯长丝


与"太阳神"-2A一起升空的还可能有"蜂群"演示系统和"太阳伞"(Parasol)微卫星. "蜂群"系统由4颗微型卫星组成,主要用于电子窃听. 这是欧洲运载火箭首次用一枚火箭发射这么多卫星. 但人们注意更多的是:太空军事侦察技术的多极化发展趋势更明显了.


考察浮质是否与云有关系,能否改变云的状态等,它是美国航宇局与法国航天局的合作项目. 这2颗卫星将与"气"(Aqua)卫星、"太阳伞"(Parasol)卫星、"水"(Aura)卫星等组成"A列车"星座,以便对全球气候和天气状况进行最全面、深入的考察.

parasol:张 阳伞卡

? 1张 指南针 Compass | ? 1张 阳伞卡 Parasol | ? 24张 导航卡 Navigation cards


umbrella雨伞 | parasol,sunumbrella阳伞 | knapsack背包

Prop up a sunshade:撑一把阳伞

The sun is burning, 太阳很晒, | Prop up a sunshade. 撑一把阳伞. | Swimming in the pool, 在水池里游泳,

sunshade cloth:阳伞布

sunscreen milk cream 防晒蜜 | sunshade cloth 阳伞布 | Sunshine 阳光聚丙烯和聚乙烯长丝


storiette 小故事 | parasolette 小阳伞 | cigarette 烟卷(比cigar小)


围巾 neckerchief | 阳伞 Umbrellas | 古玩 antique, curio

beach umbrella:太阳伞

beach suit 沙滩服 | beach umbrella 太阳伞 | beach vehicle 海滩作业车