英语人>词典>汉英 : 队友 的英文翻译,例句
队友 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与队友相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the zombie runs up to you and you cannister shot, your dead.


Or you could accidently cannister shot when a zombie is next to your team mate.


Charging a method of unbalancing (using one's shoulder and arm ) the player who has possession or is attempting to gain possession of the ball Close down to pressure the player with the ball immediately by getting as close as possible, without letting the attacker get past Collecting the technique of catching a soccer ball with some part of the body and bringing it under control Create space move into a new area, sometimes taking opponents with u, allowing a teammate to use the open space just vacated.(space can also be created for yourself by moving away from an opponent or teammate) Cross a kick into the middle of the goal box, a pass from an attacking player near the sideline to a teammate in the middle or opposite side of the field.

充电失衡(使用one's 担负和胳膊)有财产或试图获取球的财产的球员方法尽可能关闭立刻迫使球员与球由得到一样紧密,没有让攻击者通过收集技术拿到一个足球以某些身体部位和使它在控制之下创造空间移动入一个新区域,有时需要对手以u,允许队友使用露天场所被出空(空间可能并且被创造为你自己由行动从对手或队友)横渡反撞力入目标箱子,一张通行证的中部从一个攻击的球员在边线附近对一个队友在领域的中间或反面。

Kobe cussed at his teammate and no one mentions that Jordan often came to fists with teammates.


As it's his job to get the ball to his teammates in the best position where they can score , he is usually the best passer and dribbler on the team .


Whether you join the queue with a group of five players or by yourself, whatever dungeon you get first for the day using the Random Dungeon option will count as your daily dungeon.


Kobe's faith in his teammates, in management, and even in deity, jubilantly proclaiming There is a God!


If your team is the Austrian law, the destruction of surgery or even a thief, maybe you should try to shadow dance, because your team decided on your portfolio is not a team fighting for a long time, the use of more powerful mobile Shadow Step and Super shadow dance breaks out, can better meet the team before the end of games.


Outflanking teammates when strong firepower cover teammates, gunshots teammates will cover footsteps.


With Bynum, Gasol and Fisher, Bryant said he feels that now he is \in a position to go into a gun fight with a gun....


更多网络解释与队友相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fire at will:(自由攻击) 队友随意攻击任何目标 适于遭遇战、防御战 缺点:火力分散

ROE (火力控制) | fire at will (自由攻击) 队友随意攻击任何目标 适于遭遇战、防御战 缺点:火力分散 | hold fire (停火) 队友停止射击 适于伪装、隐蔽、潜伏

Combat Pets:被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友

Cheese - 利用游戏的不平衡之处牟利. | Combat Pets - 被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友. | CR - Corpse Retrevial,取回尸体 有团体灭亡的含义

Combat Pets:被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友,直译也有宠物的意思

Cheese - 利用游戏的不平衡之处牟利 | Combat Pets - 被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友,直译也有宠物的意思 | CR - Corpse Retrevial的缩写,指取回尸体,这要看具体游戏的设置而论,很多游戏没有这个设置

Combat Pets:被玩家把持白勺NPC,在战役中辅助玩家及其队友,直译也有宠物白勺意思

Cheese - 应用游戏白勺不平衡之处牟利 | Combat Pets - 被玩家把持白勺NPC,在战役中辅助玩家及其队友,直译也有宠物白勺意思 | CR - Corpse Retrevial白勺缩写,指取回尸体,这要看具体游戏白勺设置而论,很多游戏没有这...

dish out:传球给队友使其轻松得分

dish:突破分球 | dish out:传球给队友使其轻松得分. | double crutch:空中换手上篮(投篮)

get in position:进入适当的位置 让队友进入指定的位置

3. "Stick Together Team" 保持队形 顾名思义,就是要保持现有队形. | 4. "Get in Position" 进入适当的位置 让队友进入指定的位置 | 5. "Storm the Front" 守住前面 敌人已经攻过来了,一定要守住这最后的防线.

hold fire:(停火) 队友停止射击 适于伪装、隐蔽、潜伏

fire at will (自由攻击) 队友随意攻击任何目标 适于遭遇战、防御战 缺点:火力分散 | hold fire (停火) 队友停止射击 适于伪装、隐蔽、潜伏 | fire on my lead (按玩家的指示开火) 让打谁才打谁 让谁打谁才打

Suss:(压制) 队友往敌军方向齐射 火力压制敌军

engage (攻击) 队友攻击玩家指定的目标 | suss (压制) 队友往敌军方向齐射 火力压制敌军 | hold fire (停火)

Purple Heart:被击倒后成功被队友拯救

First Aid: 成功拯救队友一次 | Purple Heart: 被击倒后成功被队友拯救 | Booster Seat: 成功被队友抬起


Team 队 | Teammates 队友(同队队友) | Television 电视桥牌节目