英语人>词典>汉英 : 长劈 的英文翻译,例句
长劈 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与长劈相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Gray, following close behind me, had cut down the big boatswain ere he had time to recover from his lost blow.


Peneleos then drew his sword and smote him on the neck, so that both head and helmet came tumbling down to the ground with the spear still sticking in the eye; he then held up the head, as though it had been a poppy-head, and showed it to the Trojans, vaunting over them as he did so."Trojans," he cried, bid the father and mother of noble Ilioneus make moan for him in their house, for the wife also of Promachus son of Alegenor will never be gladdened by the coming of her dear husband- when we Argives return with our ships from Troy.


At a recent show he unveiled four new pets: a portable lightning machine that spits 9-foot bolts of crackling blue lightning at nearby machines; a 120-decibel whistle driven by a jet engine; a military rail gun that uses magnetic propulsion to fire a burning comet of molten iron at 200 miles per hour, which upon impact explodes into a fine drizzle of burning droplets; and an advanced tele-presence cannon, a human/machine symbiont that lets a goggled operator aim the gun by turning his head to gaze at the target. It fires beer cans stuffed with concrete and dynamite detonators.


At a recent show he unveiled four new pets: a portable lightning machine that spits 9-foot bolts of crackling blue lightning at nearby machines; a 120-decibel whistle driven by a jet engine; a military rail gun that uses magnetic propulsion to fire a burning comet of molten iron at 200 miles per hour, which upon impact explodes into a fine drizzle of burning droplets; and an advanced tele-presence cannon, a human/machine symbiont that lets a goggled operator aim the gun by turning his head to gaze at the target. It fires beer cans stuffed with concrete and dynamite detonators.


At a recent show he unveiled four new pets: a portable lightning machine that spits 9-foot bolts of crackling blue lightning at nearby machines; a 120-decibel whistle driven by a jet engine; a military rail gun that uses magnetic propulsion to fire a burning comet of molten iron at 200 miles per hour, which upon impact explodes into a fine drizzle of burning droplets; and an advanced tele-presence cannon, a human/machine symbiont that lets a goggled operator aim the gun by turning his head to gaze at the target.


At a recent show he unveiled four new pets: a portable lightning machine that spits 9-foot bolts of crackling blue lightning at nearby machines; a 120-decibel whistle driven by a jet engine; a military rail gun that uses magnetic propulsion to fire a burning comet of molten iron at 200 miles per hour, which upon impact explodes into a fine drizzle of burning droplets; and an advanced tele-presence cannon, a human/machine symbiont that lets a goggled operator aim the gun by turning his head to gaze at the target. It fires beer cans stuffed with concrete and dynamite detonators.


The voulge is a polearm related to simple harvesting tools but turned into a weapon of war. It is a hacking weapon of simple construction and easy to use, making it ideal for a militia garrison.


It was discovered that tensile strength regularity varied with carbonated zone and half- carbonated zone and uncarbonated zone of the hydraulic carbonated concrete.3 Rusty fundamental of rebar is explained; Rusty rebar of the long-age hydraulic reinforced concrete that corrosion ratio is less than 6 percent is been mechanical test.


The Trojans advanced in a dense body, with Hector at their head pressing right on as a rock that comes thundering down the side of some mountain from whose brow the winter torrents have torn it; the foundations of the dull thing have been loosened by floods of rain, and as it bounds headlong on its way it sets the whole forest in an uproar; it swerves neither to right nor left till it reaches level ground, but then for all its fury it can go no further- even so easily did Hector for a while seem as though he would career through the tents and ships of the Achaeans till he had reached the sea in his murderous course; but the closely serried battalions stayed him when he reached them, for the sons of the Achaeans thrust at him with swords and spears pointed at both ends, and drove him from them so that he staggered and gave ground; thereon he shouted to the Trojans, Trojans, Lycians, and Dardanians, fighters in close combat, stand firm: the Achaeans have set themselves as a wall against me, but they will not check me for long; they will give ground before me if the mightiest of the gods, the thundering spouse of Juno, has indeed inspired my onset.

& 其时,特洛伊人队形密集,迎面扑来,赫克托耳领头先行,杀气腾腾,像石壁上崩下的一块滚动的巨岩,被泛涌着冬雨的大河从穴孔里冲下,凶猛的水浪击散了岩岸的抓力,无情的坠石狂蹦乱跳,把山下的森林震得呼呼作响,一路拼砸滚撞,势不可挡,一气冲到平原,方才阻止不动,尽管肆虐凶狂。就像这样,赫克托耳最初试图一路冲杀,扫过阿开亚人的营棚和海船,直插海边。然而,当接战对方人群密集的队伍,他的攻势受到强有力的止阻,被硬硬地顶了回来。阿开亚人的儿子们群起攻之,用劈剑和双刃的枪矛击打,把他抵挡回去,逼得他连连后退,步履踉跄。他放开嗓门,用尖亮的声音对着全军喊叫:&特洛伊人,鲁基亚人和达耳达尼亚人,近战杀敌的勇士们!和我站在一起!阿开亚人不能长时间地挡住我的进攻,虽然他们阵势密集,像一堵墙似地横阻在我的前头。我知道,他们会在我的投枪下败退,如果我真的受到神明的驱使,一位最了不起的尊神,赫拉抛甩炸雷的夫婿。

Trained and equipped to fight with long halberds, they can fend off cavalry and crush many kinds of enemies depending on what part of the halberd they hit them with.


更多网络解释与长劈相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chord length:弦长;弦长度

Chop切除;切劈 | Chord Length弦长;弦长度 | Circle圆;圆形;圆形区域

chord length:弦长;弦长度 Circle圆;圆形;圆形区域

Chop切除;切劈 | Chord Length弦长;弦长度 Circle圆;圆形;圆形区域 | Circle Shape圆形

Sword Dancer:舞剑手

"代号"舞剑手"(Sword Dancer)!" "派遗执行官......果真是梵蒂冈的杀手!" 就在卡雷尔从喉咙发出模糊声音的同时,偷偷来到神父背后的年轻长生种正被反手的动作贯穿了心脏. 直接割断到颈部的长刀在空中回转、然后从正面将突击而来的吸血鬼斜劈成两段,


传统上这是指利姆赞(Limousin)和特朗赛(Troncais)的橡树,使用其树干部分(通常有80-100年之久)劈出来(不能锯)的板. 利穆赞长在干邑东部的利摩日(Limoges),较之特朗赛多点丹宁味而少点木质素(一种有带香草味的硬化物质).

plaiting surface:褶纹劈面

"斜长粗面岩","plagitrachyte" | "褶纹劈面","plaiting surface" | "云母片岩","plakite"

Stonybrook Schoolmaster:石溪鱼群长

24Stonehewer Giant劈岩巨人MOR | 25Stonybrook Schoolmaster石溪鱼群长MOR | 26Swell of Courage壮大勇气MOR


"现在,看我的吧--"一个长得又粗又壮(sturdy)的汉子冲上去说,"我将要做的事,才是最叫人不敢相信的!" 他抡起一把斧头,对着那件举世无双的艺术品砍去,只听"劈啪"一阵响,齿轮和弹簧四处乱飞,顷刻之间就把什么都毁掉了! 在场的人都惊呆了.


为鹤鸵目(Casuariiformes)鹤鸵科(Casuariidae)唯一的代表. 鹤鸵目亦包括鸸鶓. 已知鹤鸵曾用它的脚猛劈而把人劈死,三趾中最内侧脚趾有一个匕首般的长指甲,能在灌丛中小道上迅速奔驰. 有一骨质头盔保护著光秃的头部. 成鸟体羽黑色,

linear clavate:长棒状的籽粒

linear classifier 线性分类器 | linear clavate 长棒状的籽粒 | linear cleavage 线状劈理,直线劈理