英语人>词典>汉英 : 镖客 的英文翻译,例句
镖客 的英文翻译、例句


armed escort
更多网络例句与镖客相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He also helped to define the spaghetti western genre, having collaborated with famed Italian film director Sergio Leone on such movies as "A Fistful of Dollars."


Since Kurosawa's samurai adventure "Yojimbo"(1960) was remade as "A Fistful of Dollars" and essentially created the spaghetti Western, and since this movie and Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress" inspired George Lucas'"Star Wars" series, it could be argued that this greatest of filmmakers gave employment to action heroes for the next 50 years, just as a fallout from his primary purpose.


Ironic, that having borrowed from the Western, Kurosawa inspired one: Sergio Leones "A Fistful of Dollars"(1964), with Clint Eastwood, is so similar to "Yojimbo" that homage shades into plagiarism.


This score written by a young Morricone is a music jewel containing many elements so typical of his later style that he has delevoped and matured during the following four decades and half.


更多网络解释与镖客相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


紧接的镖客(Yojimbo)、皮夹(Wallet)、支票本(CheckBook)都是信息管理的好手. 其中支票本是个账房先生,专作记账,应付日常收支绰绰有余了;皮夹则是块书记员的料,序列号、网络帐号信息、信用卡、ToDo事项和购物清单等信息都能分门别类的登记在册,

Bionic Commando:(西特乐街机版)

AVENGERS(荒野大镖客,控制一个角色过关的游戏) | BIONIC COMMANDO(西特乐街机版) | BLACK YIGER(黑虎.过关游戏)

Fistful of Dollars:荒野大镖客

223,海上钢琴师/The Legend of 1900 | 224,荒野大镖客/Fistful of Dollars | 225,斑马竞赛/Racing Stripes


Flying Tigers 飞虎娇娃 | Fonda,Peter 彼得.方达 | For a Few Dollors More 黄昏双镖客

Invitation to a Gunfighter:神枪镖客

米高梅公司的喜剧电影回顾 The Big Parade of Comedy (1964) | 神枪镖客 Invitation to a Gunfighter (1964) | 铁金刚大战金手指 Goldfinger (1964)

Villain, The:疯狂大镖客

野蛮人柯南 Conan the Barbarian (1982) | 疯狂大镖客 Villain, The (1979) | 饥饿生存 Stay Hungry (1976)

Dead mans hand:荒野大镖客

简 介: 神圣纪事(Sacred)免CD补丁 复制UPDATE目录下所有文件到游戏目录简 介: 孤岛惊魂(Far Cry)免CD补丁 最大安装游戏后复制EXE执行文件到游戏目录简 介: 荒野大镖客(Dead Mans Hand)免CD补丁 最大安装游戏后复制EXE执行文件到游戏目录

Dead Man's Hand:荒野大镖客

[孤岛危机(Crysis) 免安装绿色中文完整版] [FPS] [5.09G][三位一体(Trine) 免安装绿色简体中文硬盘版][536M][长期]<<荒野大镖客>>(Dead Man's Hand)完整硬盘版/破解补丁[压缩包]_V<<异形症候群>>(Alien Syndrome)美版[光盘镜像][PSP]_

Addio colonnelo:(黄昏双镖客)

04-Titoli (荒野大镖客) | 05-Addio colonnelo (黄昏双镖客) | 06-The good,the bad and the ugly(黄金三镖客)


CAPCOM 经典街机游戏合集目录 | AVENGERS(荒野大镖客,控制一个角色过关的游戏) | BIONIC COMMANDO(西特乐街机版)