英语人>词典>汉英 : 镀以黄铜 的英文翻译,例句
镀以黄铜 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Taps and fittings are in gilded brass, forged in zoomorphic motifs: so a little swan bends motionless over the owner's washbasin.


Nickel-boron alloys form the basis of brazes used to join many nickel-base alloys,especially in aerospace.a eutecytic forms between nickel and nickel boride n and so a nickel boron braze can melt and flow without melting the nickel-base materials to be joined.

镍硼熔合依据镀黄铜过去常常加入许多镍基地合金的形式,特别是以航空航天。a eutecytic形式之间镍和镍硼化物n和镍硼如此镀黄铜可能熔化和流动,无需熔化将被加入的镍基地材料。

It is made of brass or stainless steel with standard craft. Brass surface can be passivating treated or nickel plated.


They have the characteristics of light weight, small size, vibration-proof and reliable contact, are widely used to connect with RF coaxial cables in the smallest of instruments as well as personal communication equipments.

技术特点:环境:温度范围:-4090c电气特性:工作电压:170v频率范围:0-打造介质耐压: 500v机械特性体:黄铜金/镍plaed以男性为中心的接触:磷青铜,镀金女中心联系人:铍铜,镀金绝缘体:聚四氟乙烯crimpferrules:铜合金,镀金或镀镍

更多网络解释与镀以黄铜相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Stainless Steel Flareless Tube Fittings:防爆不锈钢管接头)

Brass Flareless Compression Tube Fittings( 镀以黄铜防爆的压缩管配件) | Stainless Steel Flareless Tube Fittings( 防爆不锈钢管接头) | Ermeto High Pressure Steel Couplings( 高的压力卡套接头)

Brass Flareless Compression Tube Fittings:镀以黄铜防爆的压缩管配件)

Brass Flared Tube Fittings( 黄铜管配件接头) | Brass Flareless Compression Tube Fittings( 镀以黄铜防爆的压缩管配件) | Stainless Steel Flareless Tube Fittings( 防爆不锈钢管接头)