英语人>词典>汉英 : 锁骨肋骨的 的英文翻译,例句
锁骨肋骨的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与锁骨肋骨的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Note: lower chest wall indrawing occurs when the lower chest wall goes in when the child breathes in: if only the soft tissue between the ribs or above clavicle goes in when the child breathes, this is not lower chest wall indrawing


Results: 75 (100%) patients were all found to have skininjury、rib fracture and hemothorax. Of which, 24 pneumohemothorax(32%)、6 clavicular fracture(8%)、11 scapular fracture(14.7%)、3 lung penetrating injure(4.0%)、2 diaphragmatic rupture(2.7%)、1 bronchial rupture(1.3%)、29 pulmonary atelectasis(38.7%)were also found.

结果〖HTSS〗:75 例患者均有不同程度的皮肤挫裂伤和擦伤(100%),血胸75例(100 %),血气胸24例(32%),肋骨骨折75例(100%),锁骨骨折6例(8%),肩胛骨骨折11例(14.7%),肺穿刺伤3例(4%),右主支气管断裂1例(1.33%),左侧膈肌破裂2例(2.7%),肺不张29例(38.7%)。

Lower chest wall indrawing lower chest wall goes in when the child breathes in: if only the soft tissue between the ribs or above the clavicle goes in when the child breathes, this is not lower chest wall indrawing


In some patients who have had insufficient symptom relief following the transaxillary operation, I have resorted to performing a supraclavicular neuroplasty.


The results overwhelmingly favored 1 operation over the other, that is, transaxillary rib resection over supraclavicular neuroplasty without rib resection.


I have found that first-rib resection is awkward via the supraclavicular approach.


Belts cinched snugly around your rib cage—one up near the collarbones and one around your floating ribs—will quickly show you which parts of your lungs you tend to neglect. You can also bring awareness to the contact between your back and your bolster to see whether you tend to breathe more with the upper or lower portions of your back lungs.


Let's think over, the heart will be injured if "force" is transmitted from phalanxes, metacarpal bones, an ulna and a radius to clavicle and ribs, then it is quickly transmitted to the heart. Although it can be protected by pulmonary alveolus in lungs, it is still so close to the heart that it cannot be disappeared before the force reaches the heart.


The patient is rotated, as shown by asymmetric comparable ribs in relationship to the pedicles and asymmetric position of the claicles – note the right end of the claicle is quite laterally positioned


The patient is taken lie on one's back or left, on the right side of lie, take seat examination when necessary, mixture of skin besmear lotus root, put probe at getting hurt directly place, according to the dissection of flat bone the characteristic makes vertical, horizontal slip scanning. 2 results in 58 patients, costal fracture 25, clavicular fracture 15, sternal fracture 12, fracture of skull parietal bone 6. The acoustic image chart of fracture of 3 discussion flat bone appears:(1) fresh fracture.


更多网络解释与锁骨肋骨的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

supraclavicular fossa:[锁骨上窝]

锁骨上窝(supraclavicular fossa)(左、右) 为锁骨上方的凹陷部,相当于两肺上叶 肺尖的上部. 锁骨下窝(infraclavicular fossa)(左、右) 为锁骨下方的凹陷部,下界为第3肋骨 下缘. 相当于两肺上叶肺尖的下部. 肩胛上区(suprascapular regl'cm)(左、右) 为肩胛冈以上的区域,

intercostal space:肋间隙

肋间隙(intercostal space) 为两个肋骨之间的空隙,用以标记病变的水平位置. 第1 肋骨下面的间隙为第1肋间隙,第2肋骨下面的间隙为第2肋间隙,其余以此类推. 大多 数肋骨可在胸壁上触及,唯第1对肋骨前部因与锁骨相重叠,常未能触到.

Jessica Lange:杰西卡.兰格

据香港>报道,继娜塔莎-理查森滑雪撞头重伤不治身亡后,>金像影后杰西卡-兰格(Jessica Lange)本周二亦发生意外. 据她的发言人表示,现年59岁的杰西卡-兰格在美国家中失足撞向楼梯,导致锁骨碎裂,肋骨及前额亦受伤,

sternocleidomastoid muscle:胸锁乳突肌

①胸锁乳突肌和锁骨上皮肤皱褶:胸锁乳突肌(sternocleidomastoid muscle)与颈根部软组织在两肺尖内侧形成外缘锐利、均匀致密的阴影. 锁骨下皮肤皱褶为与锁骨下缘平行的3mm~5mm宽的薄层软组织影,系锁骨上皮肤及皮下组织的投影. ①肋骨:肋骨后段呈水平向外走行,


informosome 信息体 | infraclavicular 锁骨下的 | infracostal 肋骨下的

infraclavicular fossa:[锁骨下窝]

锁骨下窝(infraclavicular fossa)(左、右) 为锁骨下方的凹陷部,下界为第3肋骨 下缘. 相当于两肺上叶肺尖的下部. 肩胛上区(suprascapular regl'cm)(左、右) 为肩胛冈以上的区域,其外上界为斜方 肌的上缘. 相当于上叶肺尖的下部.


infraclavicular 锁骨下的 | infracostal 肋骨下的 | infraction 不全骨折


治疗上以锁骨上位(supraclavicular approach)为主,可详细检查斜角肌(scalenus)及其与臂神经的关系,同时注意附近是否有不正常的肌肉纤维带(fibromuscular band)及异位肋骨造成神经组织的压迫.