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链等价 的英文翻译、例句


chain equivalence
更多网络例句与链等价相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The scoring criterion of learning chain graphs induced by the evaluating criterion is score equivalent, so it is appropriate to search among equivalence classes of chain graphs.


An important method of graphical model selection is to use scoring criteria to measure how well the graph structures fit the data. We present seven operators which can be applied to representations-largest chain graphs of equivalence classes.


It is shown that a continuous flow with the AASP is chain transitive and some equivalent conditions of the continuous flow with the AASP to be chain recurrent are obtained.


In the fourth chapter we discuss the set of chain equivalent points of chain recurrentpoints,the set of unilateral γ-limit points and topological entropies of tree maps.


The invention relates to a report sending method, which comprises: when receiving or sending the LSA refresh report, first judging if it and the nearby device have disperse equivalent chain group; if there is, only using the main disperse chain to send said report.


The invention also discloses a relative report sender, which comprises inquirer for inquiring said disperse equivalent chain group; a controller for generating sending command to the sender when there is the disperse equivalent chain group; a sender for sending LSA refresh report at the main disperse chain.


The product rule and chain rule, the notion of higher derivatives, Taylor series, and analytical were introduced by Isaac Newton in an idiosyncratic notation which he used to solve problems of mathematical physics .


It′s topological properties are studied,three equivalent conditions of which topological space is discrete space and one equivalent condition of which topological space is mediocre space are abtained.


Aiming at the problem of Markova chain state transition prediction, this paper presents equivalent prediction method and models based on Discrete Process Neural Networks. According to the description of system state transition problems in a certain condition, we discuss the equivalence relation between DPNN and Markov models.


更多网络解释与链等价相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

chain condition:链条件

chain complex 链复形 | chain condition 链条件 | chain equivalence 链等价

chain equivalence:链等价

chain condition 链条件 | chain equivalence 链等价 | chain equivalent 链等价

chain equivalent:链等价的

chain equivalence 链等价 | chain equivalent 链等价的 | chain group 链群

chain group:链群

chain equivalent 链等价的 | chain group 链群 | chain homotopic 链同伦的

chainwork:链条细工, 编织品

chainwise equivalence | 链式等价 | chainwork | 链条细工, 编织品 | chair a meeting | 主持开会

homotopy cochain:同伦上链

homotopy coboundary operation 同伦上边缘运算 | homotopy cochain 同伦上链 | homotopy equivalence 同伦等价

triggered update:触发更新

ABCA.OSPF基于链路状态算法,并根据开销 (cost)衡量路径的优劣D.支持可变长子网掩码,地址局和(address summy)E.不支持等价多路经(ECMP)A.水平分割(split horizon)B.触发更新(triggered update)C.毒性逆转(poison reverse)D.抑制定时器(h