英语人>词典>汉英 : 金块 的英文翻译,例句
金块 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gold  ·  nugget

gold bullion
更多网络例句与金块相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Software Description: About Abracadabra, This is an arcade game where you and a wizard make or break bricks, find gold, buy powers and get rid of creatures.

Abracadabra 这是一款模拟器游戏,你和一个魔法师制作或者破坏砖块,寻找金块,购买能量以及摆脱生物。

Ebony, Jade, Brass/Copper Nuggets These are created by separating jewelry in the Aurum Assimilator. Separating jewelry will create "fragments" that can be combined into nuggets.

它们是用 Aurum Assimilator分解珠宝首饰而得来,分解珠宝首饰可以得到一些"碎片",这些"碎片"可以用以合成金块等等。

In final quarter, Nuggets still want to make a "come back" game, and Melo is keep staying on court, but the Lakers bench show no mercy, and finally they beat Denver at Pepsi Center and take another victory.


C # prepared by "digging gold" game, in the conditions to avoid the enemy to collect a certain num...

c# 编写的 \"挖金块\"游戏,在避开敌人的条件下收集一定数量的金块就算过关。

"I have examined a file of each of the newspapers published in Chelmsford and Colchester," continued Robert, without replying to my lady's last observation, and I find in one of the Colchester papers, dated July the 2nd, 1857, a brief paragraph among numerous miscellaneous scraps of information copied from other newspapers, to the effect that a Mr. George Talboys, an English gentleman, had arrived at Sydney from the gold-fields, carrying with him nuggets and gold-dust to the amount of twenty thousand pounds, and that he had realised his property and sailed for Liverpool in the fast-sailing clipper Arqus.


Some metaphysicians contend that the relation between the lump and the statue, on the one hand, and the relation between Tib and Tibbles, on the other, cannot be fully understood in terms of the concepts of parthood and identity, but require a further concept, a non-mereological concept, the concept of "constitution": the pre-existent lump at a certain point in time comes to constitute the statue (or a certain quantity of gold or certain gold atoms that first constituted only the lump come to constitute them both); pre-existent Tib at a certain point in time comes to constitute Tibbles (or certain cat-flesh or certain molecules …).

一些形上学家承认在金块和雕像之间、Tib和Tibbles之间的关系,这些关系不能完全根据"parthood"和" identity"的概念进行理解,而必须要一个进一步的概念,一个non-mereological的概念,"构成"的概念:先在存在的金块在时间中的某个点构成了雕像(或,一定数量的金子或金粒子首先构成了金块,继而构成了这两个。)先在的Tib在某个时间点开始构成了Tibbles(或某些确定的猫肉、粒子等等)。

The worst play of the Nuggets on court, it is too hard to believe that the head coach of Denver is Gary Payton's most admired coach, George Karl, who used to made a good record when being head coach of Seattle Sonics and Bucks, but the terrible Denver Nuggets and the worse record made him truly embarrassing.

丹佛金块的糟糕表现,真的让人很难相信带队的教练,居然就是手套 Gary Payton打心底最佩服的乔治-卡尔教练,曾经执教西雅图超音速和雄鹿,也曾创下佳绩的教练,但现在执教丹佛金块球队的表现和战绩却是令他难堪。

The experiment that is just enunciation, the royal crown eject of water quantity ratio gold bullion many, elucidation royal crown of density ratio gold bullion of the density be small, this certificate the royal crown don't use pure gold manufacturing.


A neighbor,seeing him overcome with grief and learning the cause,said,Pray do not grieve so;but go and take astone,and place it in the hole,and fancy that the gold is still lying there.


"I have examined a file of each of the newspapers published in Chelmsford and Colchester," continued Robert, without replying to my lady's last observation, and I find in one of the Colchester papers, dated July the 2nd, 1857, a brief paragraph among numerous miscellaneous scraps of information copied from other newspapers, to the effect that a Mr. George Talboys, an English gentleman, had arrived at Sydney from the gold-fields, carrying with him nuggets and gold-dust to the amount of twenty thousand pounds, and that he had realised his property and sailed for Liverpool in the fast-sailing clipper Arqus.


更多网络解释与金块相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gold bullion:金块

金青铜 gold bronze | 金块 gold bullion | 金粉 gold dust

Denver Nuggets:丹佛金块队

历史: 1976-今 丹佛金块队(Denver Nuggets)Utah Jazz 主场所在城市:犹他州 盐湖城 主体育馆:三角洲中心球馆(Delta Center) 可容纳人数:19911人 加入NBA时间:1974年 球队简介: 1974年爵士队在新奥尔良成立,1979年搬迁至犹他的盐湖城至今.

Denver Nuggets:丹佛--金块

(华盛顿综合电)NBA前天宣布,丹佛金块(Denver Nuggets)名将比卢普斯(Billups)战胜了其他五个竞争对手,获得了本赛季最佳运动精神奖. 32岁的比卢普斯在NBA已征战了12个赛季. 在330名NBA现役球员参加的此次投票评选中,比卢普斯获得了其中82人的首选票,

free gold bullion basis:金块的自由输出入

free gold 游离金,自然金 | free gold bullion basis 金块的自由输出入 | free gold reserve 可动用的黄金储备


69 BINARY 爱心企鹅 | 70 LODE RUNNERI 挖金块 1 | 72 ANTARCTIC 南极冒险


茎直立,多分枝,整株被有白粉,呈灰绿色,茎秆硬而脆,节膨大. 通常花单生或2~3朵簇生,花冠石竹形,花萼长筒形,花瓣扇形,花杂内瓣多呈皱缩状. 常见盆栽用品种有极爱(Adorable)系列的金块(Nugget)花纯黄色,雪花(Snowflake)花白.


打开宝箱,即可得到"天然金块"(NUGGET)?废弃矿区(ABANDONED MINES) 将"天然金块"交给VALRASIAN即可得到东北矿区地大门钥匙,然后回到废弃矿区1路朝东北方向走,用钥匙打开大门,进入后1直朝北来到禁止地的下墓穴(FORB账号DEN CATACOMBS).

gold nugget:金块(未经人工成型者)

gold ingot 金块(经人工成型者) | gold nugget 金块(未经人工成型者) | gone concern 企业清算基础

nugget effect:金块效应

Nuevoleonian 新莱昂阶 | nugget effect 金块效应 | nugget 点核

nugget effect:金块效应,跃迁效应

金块效应,跃迁效应 nugget effect | 六方硫铁铜矿 nukundamite | 零 null