英语人>词典>汉英 : 野生山羊 的英文翻译,例句
野生山羊 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ibex  ·  ibexes

更多网络例句与野生山羊相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bluetongue is an arthropod-borne viral disease of sheep, goats, cattle and wild ruminant s


More and deeper research should be continued if we want to get specific answer to some questions, for example, which wild capra maternal origins contributed to chinese domestic goats?


In Saudi Arabia the ibex may be the only large wild animal that is not threatened with extinction.


Some scientists have proposed that the presence of increasing levels of ultraviolet light with elevation may play a role, while browsing and grazing animals like the ibex may be another contributing factor.


There are over 100 various Chinese traditional medicines, for instance, angelica, rehmanniae caladium,10 kinds of wild animals: Tainshan red deer, Beishan Sheep,brown bear, boar, marmot, snow cock, golden eagle and ounce.


Maximum parsimony tree constructed by using 42 capra hircus from 16 breeds, 11 wild capra from 7 species and sheep used as outgroup. The results showed that domestic goats and wild capra existed differently branches except Capra aegagrus.


Of,relating to,or characteristic of these extinct humanlike primates.


Wild goat of mountain areas of Eurasia and North Africa having large recurved horns.


Archaeologists discovered this copper ibex artifact, along with 428 other ceremonial objects, in a 5,500-year-old cache in a cave in Nahal Mishmar canyon in Jerusalem, Israel.

考古学家在此发现了铜野生山羊仿制品,随着428等礼仪物体,在一个5500名年历史的一个隐蔽洞穴在Nahal mishmar峡谷,在以色列的耶路撒冷。

Photo of the Day March 29, 2008 Ibex Artifact, Jerusalem, Israel, 1999 Photograph by Kenneth Garrett Archaeologists discovered this copper ibex artifact, along with 428 other ceremonial objects, in a 5,500-year-old cache in a cave in Nahal Mishmar canyon in Jerusalem, Israel.

意译:主标题:野生山羊仿制品,耶路撒冷,以色列,1999年。考古学家在此发现了铜野生山羊仿制品,随着428等礼仪物体,在一个5500名年历史的一个隐蔽洞穴在Nahal mishmar峡谷,在以色列的耶路撒冷。

更多网络解释与野生山羊相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Iberia 古西班牙 | Iberian 伊比利亚的 | ibex 野生山羊


Iberian 伊比利亚的 | ibex 野生山羊 | Ibibio 伊比比奥族人

mountain laurel:美国山桂

mountain goat 野生白山羊 | mountain laurel 美国山桂 | mountain lion 美洲狮

red lechwe:驴羚

markhor 捻角山羊(一种大型野生山羊) | red lechwe 驴羚 | bongo 非洲产大羚羊




mouflon 欧洲盘羊,摩弗伦羊(南欧产的一种野生羊) | markhor 捻角山羊(一种大型野生山羊) | red lechwe 驴羚


red dhole (产于印度的一种)凶猛的野犬 | mouflon 欧洲盘羊,摩弗伦羊(南欧产的一种野生羊) | markhor 捻角山羊(一种大型野生山羊)

Galega L:山羊豆属

东方山羊豆(Galega Orientalis L)为豆科山羊豆属(Galega L),多年生豆科草本植物,有较好的饲用价值. 东方山羊豆生于海拔为305~1820米的高加索山的森林草地带,由野生种选育而成的. 1920年开始作为饲用植物研究,1932年全苏饲料研究所开始引种试验. 因为东方山羊豆比紫花苜蓿利用

chicken pest:鸡瘟

猪对野生有毒植物识别能力低,可反复中毒,长期饲喂混有苍耳的饲料,可引起慢性中毒死亡;山羊的传染性胸膜肺炎(infective peripneumonia)只侵害山羊,羊对毒芹敏感;鸡瘟(chicken pest)、鸡传染性喉气管炎(avian laryngotracheitis)只侵害鸡,

mountain goat:野生白山羊

历数一下:一头座头鲸(Humpback Whale)在水中游(我只看到了它的背和尾巴)、一只秃鹰(Bald Eagle)停在树枝上、一只野生白山羊(Mountain Goat)在山的峭壁上吃草、一大群海獭(See Otter)在水中嬉戏、两整个小岛的海狮嗷嗷地叫、一家子灰熊(Grizzly)在岸边玩水,