英语人>词典>汉英 : 重锤 的英文翻译,例句
重锤 的英文翻译、例句


ball breaker · heavy bob · heavy punch · movement weight · The Hammer
更多网络例句与重锤相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When the moment made by material on turning plate is greater than that of heavy hammer and rocker, the disc will open adown to discharge. After discharge the moment made by heavy hammer and rocker will drive disc close quickly to realize locking air. Because the structure of valve is two-layer, there is always one disc in pipe that is in close condition. So it can discharges and lock air at the same time.


This paper examines the soil characteristic and liquefaction degree of hard shell seams at the subaqueous delta of the Yellow River. Four typical areas were chosen for measuring, testing and studying. The hard shell seam strength was measured by in-situ Proctor penetrometer. Undisturbed soil sample of 1 m long was excavated for laboratory soil property test. Sledge hammers were dropped down freely to hit the load board to simulate the wave force acted on the hard shell seam. The excess pore pressure and strength variation were observed. The liquefaction depth of the hard shell seams at four study areas under different wave storms were calculated by theory.


Every wind up full the clock can work 7 days, this time the hammer drop at the bottom, Need wind up once again, to the hammer rise again.


The valve is mainly made up of body, disc, axle, rocker and heavy hammer etc. It realizes discharging and air locking using trimming moment.


The research of the utility and safety of the hammer was performed. The affecting factors of pile-soil system to the results of dynamic load testing were also analyzed. The results show that there is no tensile force in hammer during impact and it is feasible to utilize the hammer in drilling piles dynamic testing. Drop height, stiffness of cushion, pile length and diameter, and the soil qualities etc. affect the dynamic load testing results considerably.


Lever safety valve rod through the hey hammet the lever on the location or change the weight of hey hammer to adjust the take-off pressure.


Spring-loaded safety valve spring is delivered to the valve on the container or force to balance the pipeline pressure by adjusting the elastic springs to balance the medium on the pressure valve control media pressure to achieve the objective of safety valve lever weights Is to use a heavy hammer through the transmission lever to force the valve to balance the pipe or container medium pressure by adjusting the weights of the valve to balance the role of media from the valve on the pressure, media pressure to achieve the purpose of control ; Pilot of the main safety valve by valve components and sub-valve, to promote the role of Vice valve main valve action, also known as the pulse safety valve.


A heavy, long-handled hammer used especially to drive stakes, piles, or wedges.


Mallets should be smooth and level, weight, and in each of the mallets on the plane marked with the actual weight of a heavy hammer markings.


Heavy hammer ; pile ; soil ; high strain ; impulse response ; heavy hammer and low strike


更多网络解释与重锤相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

counter weight:重锤

对于30"和42"的止回阀(Check Valve),主要是因为阀门(Valve)的口径太大,关闭时阀瓣(Disc)容易大力撞击阀座(Seat),造成阀座密封面(Seat Seals Face)损伤,而重锤(Counter Weight)和阻尼缸(Dashpot)可以起到缓冲的作用.为了确保阀门的质量,

counter weight hanger:重锤式吊架

恒力吊架 constant hanger | 重锤式吊架 counter weight hanger | 弹簧恒力吊架 spring constant hanger

semaphore counterbalance:臂板平衡锤, 臂板重锤

crystal calibrator 晶体校准器 | semaphore counterbalance 臂板平衡锤, 臂板重锤 | dicrotaline 二猪屎豆碱

movement weight mass:重锤块

movement weight hook 重锤钩 | movement weight mass 重锤块 | movement weight pulley 重锤滑轮

dip wight:检尺重锤

dip vector 倾角矢量 | dip wight 检尺重锤 | DIP 地层倾角测井

counterweighted balanced type spindle carrier:重锤平衡式接轴托架

counterweight safety 电梯安全装置 | counterweighted balanced type spindle carrier 重锤平衡式接轴托架 | counting 計数


地基处理置换率(复合地基)replacement ratio | 地基处理重锤夯实法tamping | 地基处理桩式托换pile underpinning

ball breaker:重锤

ball bonding ==> 球焊=>ボールボンディング | ball breaker ==> 重锤 | ball burnishing ==> 钢珠滚光,钢珠抛光

dead-weight pressure gauge:静重(重锤)式压力计

重锤式[压力] deadweight pressure | 静重(重锤)式压力计 dead-weight pressure gauge | 重锤式压力系统 deadweight pressure system

lever and weight safety valve:杠杆重锤式安全阀

levelness 水平度 | lever and weight safety valve 杠杆重锤式安全阀 | lever arm 杠杆臂