英语人>词典>汉英 : 邮政局长 的英文翻译,例句
邮政局长 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
postmaster  ·  postmasters

更多网络例句与邮政局长相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then, contact the postmaster of that area.


"It's surprising that it never got thrown away," Oberlin postmaster Steve Schultz said.


Post: A postman wants to post some postcards in the postbag to the post exchange's postbox on postroad when it is post time,and there are signature from the post master and the poster master general on the postcards.


A postman wants to post some postcards in the postbag to the post exchange s postbox on postroad when it is post time and there are signature from the post master and the poster master general on the postcards .


Postmaster General John Potter has said that even with the higher prices the agency expects a deficit this year as it struggles to compete in a swiftly changing communications market.

邮政局长John Potter表示,即便价格更高,估计今年邮局仍会出现赤字,因为它在一个迅速转变的通讯市场里竞争。

He said,"My father is the postmaster here; that is the post office."


They appointed his father to be postmaster.


I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation.


As a young man he was a storekeeper and later a postmaster.


The post office had already been transferred to another place, and his job as postmaster was no more.


更多网络解释与邮政局长相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Police Magistrate:违警罪法庭裁判官

Plate Modulation 屏极调制; | Police Magistrate 违警罪法庭裁判官; | Postmaster 邮政局长;

A: First Postmaster General of the United States:美国首位邮政总局局长

A: Oldest member of the Constitutional Convention 制宪大会中年纪最... | A: First Postmaster General of the United States 美国首位邮政总局局长. | A: Writer of "Poor Richard's Almanac" ...


CANKingdom把一个CANKingdom系统描述为一个国家(Kingdom),这个国家有一个国王(King),有一个首都,相当於系统主站,总线上的每一个从站相当於城市(city),每个城市有市长(Mayor),有一个邮局(post office),还有邮政局长(postmaster),城市之间有邮递员(postman),


postmaster general 邮政大臣 | postmaster 邮局局长 | postmastership 邮政局长的职位


postmaster 邮局局长 | postmastership 邮政局长的职位 | postmen 邮差


postmastership 邮政局长的职位 | postmen 邮差 | postmeridian 午后的


的确,王位(throne)从来未曾空置,因为王权(kingship)是有限嗣继承人来继承的. 但我们从未听说过财政部律师是从来不会死亡的. 当一名邮政总局局长死亡时,不计其数的邮政局所拥有的自由保有地产命运将如何呢?

post insulator:装脚绝缘子

post in the ledger 转入总帐 | post insulator 装脚绝缘子 | post master 邮政局长

ISP; International Society of Postmasters:国际邮政局长协会(邮政局长协会)

*ISOD;International Sports Organization for the Disabled; 国际... | *ISP; International Society of Postmasters; 国际邮政局长协会(邮政局长协会) | *ISP; Internet Service Provider; 互联网服务提供商 [UNCTAD...

P.M.G. post master general:邮局总局长、邮政总长

P.M post master 邮局局长 | P.M.G. post master general 邮局总局长、邮政总长 | P.M.O. postal money order 邮政汇票