英语人>词典>汉英 : 遵守规则 的英文翻译,例句
遵守规则 的英文翻译、例句


toe the mark · toe the scratch · abidance by the rules
更多网络例句与遵守规则相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think we should abide by the rules.


We begin to see that our lack of success is within us (alack of discipline in following the rules because of some kind offear) and we begin to work on knowing ourselves better.


If you don't follow the rules, you'll be in trouble.


The player was benched for failing to follow the rules.


If they are going to be bailed out you have to abide by convention.


In 1535 she entered the Carmelite monastery of the Incarnation at Avila, where the nuns observed the rules of the order in a relaxed ("mitigated") way.


When undertaking study to social capital of the individual, the degree of belief that discovers a Chinese is opposite on the low side, the trustful index between person and person is in drop, depend on for a bit mainer reason quite among them: Of toe the mark cannot get advantage, of inobservant regulation got benefit however.


Those gets British philosopher · Wen Ji has said, the different point of social phenomenon and natural phenomenon, depend on former toe the mark, and latter presents regulation.


Individuals with higher education are fewer formalists, and accordingly defer to rules less and break more.


Only individuals who are both attitudinal and behavioral formalists show deference to rules, while formalism as behavioral tendency predicts less rule-breaking.


更多网络解释与遵守规则相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abidance by the rules:遵守规则

Abidance by law 守法 | Abidance by the rules 遵守规则 | Abide by 遵守

abide by the law:守法; 遵守法律

abide by the consequence承担后果 | abide by the law守法; 遵守法律 | abide by the rules遵守规则

break the rule:不遵守规则

16. in public places在公共场所 | 17. break the rule 不遵守规则 | 18. pick... up 捡起

Go by the book:照章办事.的

6. everyone is expected to stick to the rules.每个人都要遵守规则.的 | 7. go by the book.照章办事.的 | 8. rules are meant to be followed, not broken. 规则制订出来是让人遵守,而不是让人破坏.的

conform to rules:遵守规则

conform 遵照;符合;一致 | conform to rules 遵守规则 | conjecture 推测;猜测

toe the line:(赛跑)遵守规则

pull one's punch (拳击)手下留情 | toe the line (赛跑)遵守规则 | trump card 王牌

toe the mark:遵守规则

all thumbs 笨手笨脚 | toe the mark 遵守规则 | be on one"s toes 机警

call to order:要求遵守规则;宣布开会

call for nomination 吁请提名 | call to order 要求遵守规则;宣布开会 | campaign 运动;活动

He was punished for disobeying order:他因不遵守规则而被罚

He was once rewarded for saving a man. 他曾经因救人而被褒奖 | He was punished for disobeying order. 他因不遵守规则而被罚 | I will compensate you for your loss. 我会补偿你的损失

Obeys school rules and regulations:遵守学校规则和条例

11 Does not show self control 表现没有自制 | 12 Obeys school rules and regulations 遵守学校规则和条例 | 13 Does not obey school rules and regulations 不遵守学校规则和条例