英语人>词典>汉英 : 遮篷 的英文翻译,例句
遮篷 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
awn  ·  canopy  ·  canopies  ·  canopying  ·  awnings  ·  penthouses

更多网络例句与遮篷相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I bought an awning to go over the doorway.


We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the Wal-Mart.

n 我们都站在沃尔玛门口的遮篷下。

To form an ulcer .I bought an awning to go over the doorway.


We all stood there under the awning and just inside the door of the WalMart.


We all stood there under the awning and just inside the doorofthe Wal-Mart.


Bald head over the blind, cute old codger


Walk a long a strand, strange land, come to a city gate, sentry there, old ranker too, old tweedy's big moustaches leaning on a long kind of a spear


Walk along a strand, strange land, come to a city gate, sentry there, old ranker too, old tweedy's big moustaches leaning on a long kind of a spear


A rooflike structure, often made of canvas or plastic, that serves as a shelter, as over a storefront, window, door, or deck.

遮 篷,雨篷,布篷一种顶状的结构物,一般由粗帆布或塑料制成,作为遮蔽,用于沿街铺面、窗子、门或甲板的上面

A rooflike structure,often made of canvas or plastic,that serves as a shelter,as over a storefront,window,door,or deck.


更多网络解释与遮篷相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

awning deck:天帘甲板

awl 锥子 | awning deck 天帘甲板 | awning 遮篷

side awning:边篷

side armor belt 舷侧装甲列板 | side awning 边篷 | side awning 舷遮


awningde /遮篷/ | awoke /唤醒/唤起/提醒/ | awoken /唤醒/醒来/唤起/

canorous:音乐般的, 音调优美的

canopy | 天篷, 遮篷 | canorous | 音乐般的, 音调优美的 | Canossa | 卡诺萨


awning 遮篷式窗 | casement 平开窗 | fixed 固定窗


而最早在那里定居的社群是由杰森李 (Jason Lee) 所率领的一群卫理公会教徒 (Methodist) ,他们在威拉米特谷 (Willamatte Valley) 定居. 附有遮篷的马车与篷车队在1840年代早期,都是沿著奥勒冈小径(Oregon Trail)到达那片土地的.


velar 软颚音 | velarium 露天剧场的遮日篷 | velate 有缘膜的

bath chair:(有遮篷的)轮椅

bath carburizing || 液体渗碳 | bath chair || (有遮篷的)轮椅 | bath component || 溶体[电解质]组成

Awnings of textile:纺织品遮篷

220001 焦油间壁布 Tarred brattice cloth | 220058 纺织品遮篷 Awnings of textile | 220059 帆 Sails

Awnings of synthetic materials:合成材料制遮篷

220002 防水帆布 Tarpaulins | 220102 合成材料制遮篷 Awnings of synthetic materials | 220043 吊床 Hammocks