英语人>词典>汉英 : 通身 的英文翻译,例句
通身 的英文翻译、例句


the whole body
更多网络例句与通身相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She does not take after her father, son-in-law of our Old Ancestress, but looks more like a Jia.


She doesn't take after her father, son-in-law of our Old Ancestress, but looks more like a Jia.


Moorhen A common, widely distributed species of gallinule, Gallinula chloropus.


Look at that crown Miss golden tulle its tail-like larger than the whole body, when it gently swing, the is like a fairy.


Who comes through Michan's land, bedight in sable armour?


After soaking in the hot spring, blood flow smoothly all over the body; ruddy complexion is given; skin is thin as well as lubricious and it is comfortable around the whole body.


She used to dress herself up in black at every pore.


Outside the festival palace May15, Darth Vader s breathing blasted from giant speakers. Stone cozied up to storm troopers lining the carpet as paparazzi in tuxedos snapped photos.


In his studio in the lovely place to see monkeys, langurs,通身such as Mexico, but are two white ear to mouth, do not have the charm.


更多网络解释与通身相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

turn a deaf ear to:充耳不闻

鲨鱼(shark)也是个听音专家,浑身是"耳"(佛经上说"通身是眼",它却"通身是斗"),正常的声音它听而不闻,但声音中一有异动,就哪怕三○○码(一码yard是三英尺,就是foot)外,它也不会"充耳不闻"(turn a deaf ear to),它立刻游过去,准备大吃特吃一顿.

:Vivienne Westwood:维维恩"韦斯特伍德

黑色之外的一缕火红四川猪流感最新疫情显得格外的抢眼. 布满大铆钉的punk皮靴和包包,黑色的腰带绕过脖颈缠绕腰间,通身的黑色在火红的发丝下燃烧起浓烈的朋克味道. 难道这发色也是以"朋克教母"维维恩.韦斯特伍德(Vivienne Westwood)为偶像的象征?


生活在巴西和圭亚那的淡水里的电鳗,通身有两对纵向器官可放射出650伏的电击,其能量以点亮一盏电灯泡或使成年人失去知觉. 相关资料: 电鳗(dianman)(Electric eel)电鳗科(Electrophoridae)的鳗形南美鱼...