英语人>词典>汉英 : 透支 的英文翻译,例句
透支 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
overdraft  ·  overdraw  ·  overdrawing  ·  overdraws  ·  overdrafts

advance by overdraft · make an overdraft · draw one's salary in advance
更多网络例句与透支相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This module contains: the analysis of the total number of overdraft; the analysis of overdraft card holder%26rsquo;s character; the analysis of the relationship between the total number of overdraft and card holder%26rsquo;s age; the analysis of the rate of the frozen ,lost, stop payment; the credit evaluation of the card holder and the cautioner. Through these analysis, some facilities may be improved , the risk may become lower, improve the faithfulness of the customers and keep the long time business relationship with them.


You will not have access to the Direct Deposit Advance service until the overdraft is paid in full, including any overdraft and other checking account service fees that may apply.


Overdraft arrangement base rate overdrawn account set off credit balance scale of charges


David Black at Defaqto, the financial analyst, said that many customers may not be able to get another overdraft — or may be restricted to a lower amount — if their current overdraft facility is withdrawn.


What happens if I overdraw There will be a penalty of $3 for each check overdraws.


This is in contrast with an overdraft which is subject to periodic review and is in principle recallable at any time.


If this "automatic repayment" overdraws your account or there are insufficient funds in your checking account at that time, your account will become overdrawn when the outstanding advance is repaid and any other transactions posting to your account that day would be subject to overdraft or insufficient fund fees.


I pay more attention to the criminal act of malicious overdraft. The definition of malicious overdraft is given firstly. According the Criminal Law, it refers to the cardholder with the intent of illegal possession overdraws beyond the fixed number or date, and doesn't return it after the banks calling.


The main difference between them is that the person who overdraws maliciously must be the legal user; he must act with the intent of illegal possession; he must use the real credit card.


A credit cardholder who withdraws cash or overdraws quasi-credit card may not enjoy the treatment of interest-free payment period and the treatment of minimum payment, but shall pay the overdraft interests, which are calculated from the book date of the bank on the basis of the prescribed interest rate, for the cash transaction or overdraft.


更多网络解释与透支相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

overdraft facility:透支限额

overdraft n. 透支 | overdraft facility 透支限额 | overdraw v. 透支

overdraft facility:透支贷款

overdraft account 透支帐户 | overdraft facility 透支贷款 | overdraft interest 透支利益

overdraft account:透支帐户, 往来存款透支帐

over-and -short account 零星差额帐户, 长短数帐户 | overdraft account 透支帐户, 往来存款透支帐 | overdue account 逾期帐款, 过期未付帐款

overdraft account:透支帐户

Over draft 透支 | Overdraft account 透支帐户 | Overdrafts by foreign or correspondents 外埠同业透支

overdraft account:透支户,透支帐户

overdoping 过掺杂 | overdraft account 透支户,透支帐户 | overdraft for export bills 出口单据押汇透支

overdraft of an account:户口透支

overdraft by outport banks 外埠银行同业透支 | overdraft of an account 户口透支 | overdraft on banks 向银行同业透支

bank overdraft:行透支

银行透支(Bank overdraft) 什么是银行透支 商业银行的贷款按期限分类可分为活期贷款、定期贷款和透支三类. 银行透支是指银行允许其存款户在事先约定的限额内,超过存款余额支用款项的一种放款形式. 广义的银行透支概念还包括财政透支,

overdraft interest:透支利息 overdraft interest 透支利息

2760 1 overdraft 透支 overdraft 透支 | 2761 1 overdraft interest 透支利息 overdraft interest 透支利息 | 2762 1 overhead 接费用 overhead 接费用


摘要:透支(Overdraw) 透支,银行允许其存款户在事先约定的限额内,超过存款余额支用款项的一种放款形式. 广义的透支概念还包括财政透支,即财政部门在财政存款支用完毕以后,在规定限额内继续签发支票,

Bank overdrafts:银行透支

2101 银行透支(Bank overdrafts) 凡向银行短期透支之款项皆属之. 透支之数,记入贷方;偿还之数,记入借方. 其贷方馀额,表示现向银行透支款项之总额. 2102 银行借款(Bank loans) 凡向银行借入之款项(银行透支除外),其偿还期限在一年以内者皆属之.