英语人>词典>汉英 : 透支额 的英文翻译,例句
透支额 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
overdraft  ·  overdrafts

更多网络例句与透支额相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Would you tell me the credit limit you want to apply for?


That's when they gave her the eleven-thousand-dollar line of credit.


You will not have access to the Direct Deposit Advance service until the overdraft is paid in full, including any overdraft and other checking account service fees that may apply.


Secondly, he presented a gift and the cost of travel has been very high, accounting for most of his expenses, for which he, as far as possible to reduce the cost, until the credit card overdraft facility to pay off so far.


We honored the check as the overdraft was only 5 yuan.


A credit cardholder who withdraws cash or overdraws quasi-credit card may not enjoy the treatment of interest-free payment period and the treatment of minimum payment, but shall pay the overdraft interests, which are calculated from the book date of the bank on the basis of the prescribed interest rate, for the cash transaction or overdraft.


A sudden fall in sales will leave them without cash at a time when bank overdrafts are hard to secure or to increase.


更多网络解释与透支额相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

credit limit used:已使用的信用额

credit limit used 已使用的信贷限额百分比 | credit limit used 已使用的信用额 | credit limit utilization 信用透支

m.v.;m/v motor-vessel:马达船、轮船

mtr.metre 公尺、米(长度单位) | m.v.;m/v motor-vessel 马达船、轮船 | o/d on demand; overdraft 见票即付、即期、遵照请求;透支、汇款过额


15.inflation 物价飞涨;通货膨胀 | 16.overdraft 透支;透支额 | 17.profit 利润;收益;营利

n. overdraw:透支

n. output 产量,生产额 | n. overdraw 透支 | adj. overdue 过期的;过期未付的


overdrainage 过度排水 | overdrape 厚窗帘 | overdraught 透支额


overdraught 透支额 | overdried 过干的 | overdrilling 超钻

Bank overdrafts:银行透支

2101 银行透支(Bank overdrafts) 凡向银行短期透支之款项皆属之. 透支之数,记入贷方;偿还之数,记入借方. 其贷方馀额,表示现向银行透支款项之总额. 2102 银行借款(Bank loans) 凡向银行借入之款项(银行透支除外),其偿还期限在一年以内者皆属之.

Daylight overdrafts:当日透支额

Cyclical liquidity needs 周期流动性需要 | Daylight overdrafts 当日透支额 | De novo branch 新设分支行

De novo branch:新设分支行

Daylight overdrafts 当日透支额 | De novo branch 新设分支行 | Dealer reserve 自营商准备金