英语人>词典>汉英 : 逆能的 的英文翻译,例句
逆能的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与逆能的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The ability of carbon to form stable compounds in such astonishing numbers arises in that it utilizes its four valence electrons completely in the establishment of four covalence,its valence shell becomes saturated.


Because i cant ask you to disobey your mother so we can be together


The accuracy of Helmhotz matrix is raised 10 times than that of spectrum, and the calculation speed is faster than that of the direct solution. In this way, the method can reduce the time of matrix inversion in 3dimensional implicit difference migration and can be used to real data processing.


In the algorithm, radial-basis function neural network was utilized as forward model, and genetic algorithm was used to solve the optimization problem in the inverse problem, which can avoid the local minimum solution possibly encountered in the iterative inverse algorithm based on gradient descent and consequently achieve the global optimized solution of the inverse problem.


By the principal of detailed balance, the radiative recombination cross section of single-electron systems have been calculated with photoionization.


Based on the discussion of contradict model's exist condition and learning method, a Internal Model Control strategy that may used in on-line self-adapting adjust and self-collected is presented. The strategy settles the problem in identification and control of the no self-balance object by using feedback compensatory sangfroid implement. And it also settled the unable on-line problem due to the slow training speed through separating control process and on-line study process.


Based on the discussion of contradict model's exist condition and learning method, a Internal Model Control strategy that may used in on-line self-adapting adjust and self-collected is presented.


Of course this does not mean Microsoft to buy next Yahoo truly is a thing that how counters a day, antipodal, according to the opinion of numerous mainstream analyst, if long-term and fatigued and weak Yahoo and the Microsoft that cannot find network sense for years can finish conformity smoothly, this assembled the whole world is the greatest the amount is clever of the person gigantic without bully model the surprise that the company can be the mankind to bring in future will not estimation.


Objective Basing on series of prophase research on premenstrual syndrome with invasion of the hyperactive liver-qi, Random double-blind and double simulation and control method were adopted in this study. The study used tables as Daily Record of Severity of Problems and symptoms score form to evaluate the efficacy of jingqianping granule for treatment of PMS with invasion of the hyperactive liver-qi objectively. Endocrine and neurotransmitters were detected to explore the medicative mechanism of Chinese medicine on PMS. Methods All cases were from the staff of the first Affiliated Hospital, Guangzhou University of TCM.


The ability of carbon to form stable compounds in such astonishing numbers arises in that it utilizes its four valence electrons completely in the establishment of four covalence,its valence shell becomes saturated.


更多网络解释与逆能的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


antiemetic | 止呕吐的 止吐的药 | antienergistic | 逆(施)能的,抗(施)能的 | antientertainment | 反传统的娱乐

check valve:逆止阀

此类桶底阀乃利用Disc Open Into Tank 冲破沉积於桶底之类似泥浆液的流体,能顺利地往下流,且能应用流体之重量及液面压和阀本身之Seat 部门相互作用,而具有和逆止阀 (Check Valve) 之相同功能.


利用上述逆同化制约条件及其层级排列,分析发音位置逆同化的双唇音化(Bilabialization)、齿音化(Dentalization)和发音方式逆同化(assimilation of manner)时可行,即能成功筛选出优选项.


因此,要抑制在国际结构中派生出的逆机能(dysfunction)现象并非一件容易的事情. 一个国家在应对这种情况的时候所能采取的最好方法,就是去除或是抑制不利的因素,对其进行引导和处理,摸索出一条切实可行的道路,


这种操作视为一个点的颜色向量乘上一个滤镜矩阵进而得到新的颜色向量(Ax = y). 如果这个矩阵A是满秩矩阵(full rank)的话,那么它的逆矩阵(inverse)则能产生一种sharpen的效果. 在这里,数学又一次展示了它的魅力哈.

irreversibility:不能反逆的性能, 不可改变性

cataclysmic variable [天]激变变星 | irreversibility 不能反逆的性能, 不可改变性 | cerebral 脑的, 大脑的


irreverently 不敬地 | irreversibility 不能反逆的性能 | irreversible 不能撤回的

Inverse Kinematics:逆运动学

逆运动学(Inverse Kinematics)是虚拟角色运动控制的一种基本方法,它根据用户指定肢体末端的位置计算出虚拟角色各个关节的旋转.传统算法求解时没有考虑人体姿态的运动规律,因此其结果不能完全令人满意.文中提出了一种利用捕获的运动数据辅助求解逆运动学问题的新方法.通过自组织映射(Self-Organizing Map,



Proficient strategists can often turn adverse circumstances to their advantage:高明的战略家常能转逆势为优势

Turn...to advantage使某事转为有利... | Proficient strategists can often turn adverse circumstances to their advantage. 高明的战略家常能转逆势为优势. | To advantage 在与see等动词连用时,常有"使优点体现出...