英语人>词典>汉英 : 适合种植的 的英文翻译,例句
适合种植的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与适合种植的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The surface also had an alkaline pH, which on Earth is suitable for growing some plants, such as asparagus.


Cyclamen is a widespread planting of flowers, for ...


This paper chooses the suitable computing method of Earth-moving quantity to contrast and anylaze.


We decide the fit breed of each place according to the geographical and periodical seeding experiments: FD1 like gongnongyihao fits the drought-cold areas such as Changling; FD3-5 like Haygrazer, Vector, Key etc fit the Huabei area such as Beijing and Taiyuan; FD6~8 like Lobo, Durango Eclogue, Titan802 etc fit the middle and lower reaches of Yangzi river such as Zhengjiang.3.During the course of climatic ecology division of alfafa, accumulated temperature above 5℃ is used as the main index, by gradually division, the whole country is divided into 6 climatic zones, namely Northeast zone, Huanghuai zone, Yangzi river valley zone, Northwest of Mongolian zone , Qingzang altiplano zone and unfit zone of South China. In each climatic zone, based on the main and secondary indexes, the climatic zones is divided into second climatic ecology regions, such as north of Xinjiang region, south of Xinjiang region and south of Tibet region etal, total 21 regions.


The friable soil in the south of the American is fit for growing cotton.


Grass that is adapted to Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are: caragana, sand sagebrush, lucerne, sweet clover, sudan grass, ryegrass, lyme grass, astragulus adsurgens, puccinellia tenuiflora, bromus inermis, agropyron elongatum, harmel, siberian wildrye , sainfoin, tall fescue , red fescue, cynodon dactylon, zoysia, clover, bluegrass, ryegrass etc..


Then the land is free to be planted with sorghum during the best growing season.


Tomatoes, pole beans, cucumbers, snap peas, melons and winter squash are all examples of crops suitable for vertical gardening if staked or supported properly.


I absolutely think China will be a fine wine player rivalling the best wines from France.


It was also concluded that "Yue Tian 13" is fit to plant at early spring in Guangzhou city, and with the high density resistance character, and Polythene mulching could bring forward to the harvest time in early spring and increase the yield notability through increasing the plant density.


更多网络解释与适合种植的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2.5阿尔(Ahr) 波恩南部的阿尔河谷位于德国最北部,是最小的葡萄酒产区之一,葡萄酒产量较少.最早发现阿尔河谷地适合种植葡萄的是古罗马人.而如今,地貌奇特的阿尔河谷已经成为德国最具特色的红葡萄酒产地.这里的红酒热烈、丝滑、纯正而浓郁,


然而实际上使用的咖啡基本上只有两种. 这就是:阿拉伯(ARABIC)与罗巴斯特(ROBUST)咖啡. 咖啡树生长在赤道附近(南北各为30°的范围内)区域内,因此并非所有地区都适合种植咖啡.

be suited to local weather:适合当地的气温条件

be suited to grow olive 适合种植油橄榄 | be suited to local weather 适合当地的气温条件 | be surrounded by envelope of tissue 围被着组织包膜

be suited to grow olive:适合种植油橄榄

be suitable for grow in tropical area 适用于热带地区种植 | be suited to grow olive 适合种植油橄榄 | be suited to local weather 适合当地的气温条件


(a)花岗岩土:此种土质呈沙粒或细石状,排水性佳、属酸性土,非常适合种植佳美(gamay)、雷司令(riesling)和西拉(syrah)等品种,法国隆河谷地北部的著名产地罗第丘(cote rotie)和博若来(beaujolais)北部的特级产区等都以此类土质为主.

Loire Valley:法国的卢瓦尔河谷

正因如此,采用南澳洲布诺萨山谷(Barossa Valley)种植的这种葡萄酿造的葡萄酒品质出色. 而白苏维翁(Sauvignon Blanc)则适合在较为寒冷、湿润的环境下生长,所以这种葡萄在法国的卢瓦尔河谷(Loire Valley)和新西兰的南部岛屿上长势良好.

rice wine:黄酒

中国 代表酒类:黄酒(RICE WINE) 之所以没有选择白酒作为中国酒的代表,是因为白酒之根在黄酒,说起葡萄酒产地,很多人第一个想到的都是法国,其实不尽然,意大利也是最适合种植葡萄酒的国家,并且每年的葡萄酒产量已经超过了法国,


2.锦带花(Weigela)系列:忍冬科锦带花属落叶灌木. 聚伞花序顶生或腋生,红色或粉色,花期4~5月. 喜光照,适合种植于肥沃湿润且排水良好的土壤中. 耐寒,适应性广,可广泛用于东北、华东、华北及长江流域. 3.绣线菊(Spiraeajaponica)系列:蔷薇科绣线菊属.


Seghesio Cortina Zinfandel 科尔蒂纳(Cortina)仙芬黛位置 这款酒的原料来自干溪谷(Dry Creek Valley)最古老的剪除了藤蔓顶部的葡萄园之一. 该葡萄园在科尔蒂纳(Cortina)发展良好,这里的一种砾质粘壤土十分适合种植仙芬黛.

