英语人>词典>汉英 : 迷失者 的英文翻译,例句
迷失者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与迷失者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As an important dimension of modern literary theory, culture studies represent the questions of literary theory.


To enhance and exploit the disorientation and disorganization felt by a newly arrived detainee in the interrogation process.


For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.


For he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children.


Lin Yutang was a successful interpreter, his interpretation emphasized the Chinese traditional Art and Sensibility, in order to resolve the spiritual trouble caused by the Western industrialization, in other words, take place of Metaphysical Scientism by Reasonableness in which rationalism and sensibility interpenetrate.


Stephen Pfann, a textual scholar and paleographer at the University of the Holy Land in Jerusalem, said he has released a paper claiming the makers of "The Lost Tomb of Jesus" were mistaken when they identified an ancient ossuary from the cave as belonging to the New Testament's Mary Magdalene.

Stephen Pfann,耶路撒冷圣城大学的一个原文的学者和古文书学家,说他已经发表了一个书面的声明说"迷失的基督墓"的拍摄者犯了错误,拍摄者确认一个从山洞里取出来的古代尸骨罐是属于新约中的Mary Magdalene。

The tactile directional map is similar to regular directional maps in function. Yet, due to the fact that it requires specified Braille explanation and larger tactile elements, the information density on the tactile directional map is relatively lower. Consequently, a tactile directional map is normally not as delicate and not as comprehensive as a regular directional map. The purpose of this study is to examine the appropriate size of various elements on the tactile directional map and to develop a set of design principles in order to create one that better meets the need. It first explores the way the visually impaired use the tactile directional map and inquires about their views and suggestions.


Alas in this time period so many creators are lost and in non-communication with the Spark of the Tao that the End of Time Bell is falling upon deaf ears.


Jesus looks like the mess-up rubbish has been consumed on the ground. Underside of the opus, there are several gentle sheep, they look like mind missing persons in Liu Jin's language's environment. We may also think that is the perplexed affliction of the artist.


With the mystery play of this isolated island of the same can be said to lose this play with other mainstream television remains whether in the form of narrative description of the different characters, in this "follower" than "independent thinking person "society, the lost value of the existence is even more important, the end of this quarter, based TELEVISION SERIES season, I have lost hope in this justice and the end of a surprise, too, that our team can stand a good job in this last Ban Kong..


更多网络解释与迷失者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

identity foreclosure:早闭型统合

也可视为青年期的四种类型:(1)定向型统合是从自我追寻达到自我定向者;(2)未定型统合(identity moratorium),是在自我追寻中尚未完全定向者;(3)迷失型统合(identity diffusion),是在自我追寻中陷入迷失境界者;(4)早闭型统合(identity foreclosure),是未经自我追寻而

identity moratorium:未定型统合

这四种不同的统合状态,也可视为青年期的四种类型:(1)定向型统合是从自我追寻达到自我定向者;(2)未定型统合(identity moratorium),是在自我追寻中尚未完全定向者;(3)迷失型统合(identity diffusion),是在自我追寻中陷入迷失境界者;


美国那点历史,好不容易堆起了个三层大楼来陈列,走马观花,正欲登三楼,一个牌子闲人免进(Staff Only)体面的替建馆者解了围. 至于艺术馆,说实在的,看不太懂,艺术这个东西,太玄幻,馆子又大,不免在里面迷失自我. 好在随处可见沙发,


strayer迷失者 | sayer说话者 | yea-sayer肯定者


在必要的时候给"迷失"的学生带路或对能力不同的学生进行分组搭配. 学生们在学习中真正体现了"主角"的作用,教师更多的时候是"辅助者",是学生们思考能力和创新能力增长过程中"脚手架"(scaffold)的搭建者. 在笔者经历的网络课程中,


betrayer背叛者,背信者,告密者,诱惑者 | strayer迷失者 | sayer说话者

Ghost Whisperer:靈感應(鬼语者 台湾太土了)

fringe 危機邊緣 | Ghost.Whisperer 靈感應(鬼语者 台湾太土了) | LOST LOST檔案 (迷失)

Invokes an avenging spirit:召唤复仇之灵

Lost weapon迷失爪牙 | Invokes an avenging spirit.召唤复仇之灵 | Master of necromancy召唤者专精

The Closers:结案者

Lost Light 迷失 | The Closers 结案者 | Blood Work 血型拼图