英语人>词典>汉英 : 迷人的美女 的英文翻译,例句
迷人的美女 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
houri  ·  siren  ·  houris

更多网络例句与迷人的美女相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Two years after my mother died, my father fell in love with a glamorous blond Ukrainian divorcee.


Well, you might have "femme fatale" image and very fatal..


Promulgating and putting into effect laws and regulations regarding environmental protection and placing environmental protection on a legal footing, continuously improving the statutes concerning the environment, formulating strict law-enforcement procedures and increasing the intensity of law enforcement so as to ensure the effective implementation of the environmental laws and regulations.


He turn his head to the left side of street,wahoo,there is a outstanding girl is beckonning to him with a nice smile on her pretty face.


The findings confirm the accepted idea of beauty typified by actresses from Marilyn Monroe to Scarlett Johansson, who have both been noted for their seductive pouts.


Beach in the summer is also the most charming, and a great many of nice guys and belles gather here to show their beautiful figures to their hearts.


Although the book shows some signs of immaturity—this was James's first serious attempt at a full-length novel — it has attracted favorable comment due to the vivid realization of the three major characters: Roderick Hudson, superbly gifted but unstable and unreliable; Rowland Mallet, Roderick's limited but much more mature friend and patron; and Christina Light, one of James's most enchanting and maddening femmes fatale.


Women in Tel Aviv, Israel have those green eyes that are just particularly attractive.


更多网络解释与迷人的美女相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


hourglass 水漏 | houri 迷人的美女 | houri 天堂女神


如同计划的一样,作者在专辑里更注重的是节奏和韵律(rhythm)而不仅仅是悦耳的音调(melody). 就像是一位美女跳着婀娜多姿的舞蹈慢慢出现在你的面前,而非一下子揭开迷人的面纱,作者也巧妙精心地设计着他的意图. 想要一遍就把专辑听懂,


西班牙每年10月最后一个星期天,在堂吉诃德(Quixote)大战风车的风车镇(Consuegra)举办"藏红花玫瑰节"作为采收期的结尾,也是全年的最高潮. 这天除了庆祝并举办香料交易活动,还会选出当地年度最迷人的姑娘杜尔西内娅(Dulcinea 唐吉诃德疯狂迷恋的美女的名字).

Tampa Bay Buccaneers:坦帕灣海盜隊

2009年10月22日讯,迈阿密,美国橄榄球大联盟球队坦帕湾海盗队(Tampa Bay Buccaneers)的美女啦啦队队长当地时间10月21日拍摄性感写真. 美女们都身穿比基尼上阵大秀惹火三点和骄人身材,大摆各种迷人媚姿性感销魂让人神驰遐想.