英语人>词典>汉英 : 违例 的英文翻译,例句
违例 的英文翻译、例句


breach of rules
更多网络例句与违例相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Their recent troubles include a ballyhooed traveling violation credited to MVP clubhouse-leader LeBron James, who insists his "crab-dribble" maneuver is legal.


To notify me that you wish to dispute liability for the contravention by using the notification form overleaf


And experts paid more attentions to integer perception while listening to music.3. It also showed the position effect, that was irregular chords appeared at the third or fifth position, and the swings and the delitescence were quite different. It uncovered the different neural modes at different music perception phases.4. The two components had no significant differences with their swings at the three attention levels. It meant that these two ERP components could be acquired under non-attention condition, and music processing was automatic.


Rape and sexual harassment were common, and women would be forced to perform sexual favors to excuse finable violations.


I remember that you've once mentioned "foot fault."


Upon enforcement action, 263 UDs covering 72 hectares were discontinued and 177 UDs covering 74 hectares of land were regularised through the planning application system.


B in the case of a member of a body unincorporate, was a partner or office holder in or a member or manager of that body unincorporate, or who, in either case, was acting or purporting to act in any such capacity commits a like offence.


Scrum - the formation used in the setplay restarting play after a knock-on or forward pass. The forwards from each side bind together and then the two packs come together to allow the scrumhalf with the feed to deliver the ball to the scrum.


Scrum - the formation used in the setplay restarting play after a knock-on or forward pass. The forwards from each side bind together and then the two packs come together to allow the scrumhalf with the feed to deliver the ball to the scrum.

o, J5 b! E% k% x'~ a-{0 w达阵·中国论坛斯克兰,俗称顶牛,当场上出现违例情况,如前传或前掉,裁判会召集双方的各八名前锋在违例发生的点进行斯克兰的顶架,由得到球权一方的9号队员喂球进入斯克兰下的通道,是一种重新激活因违例而死球的比赛的一种形式,和界外球相仿。

Scrum - the formation used in the setplay restarting play after a knock-on or forward pass. The forwards from each side bind together and then the two packs come together to allow the scrumhalf with the feed to deliver the ball to the scrum.

N; Y*~ Z$ Z A英式橄榄球,Rugby,中国橄榄球,橄榄球在线视频,全黑队,三国赛斯克兰,俗称顶牛,当场上出现违例情况,如前传或前掉,裁判会召集双方的各八名前锋在违例发生的点进行斯克兰的顶架,由得到球权一方的9号队员喂球进入斯克兰下的通道,是一种重新激活因违例而死球的比赛的一种形式,和界外球相仿。

更多网络解释与违例相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

catching violation:接球违例

17.消极比赛:passive play | 18.接球违例:catching violation | 19.禁区违例:entering the goal area

Illegal defense:防守违例

held ball 持球 | illegal defense 防守违例 | illegal offense 进攻违例

illegal offense:进攻违例(见isolation)

illegal defense:防守违例 | illegal offense:进攻违例(见isolation) | loose ball foul:双方均无持球权时的犯规(通常发生于双方争夺篮板球时)


72.走步违例:traveling; walking; steps | 73.踢球违例:kicking | 75.干扰球:basket interference; goaltending


illlegaldefense:防守违例 | illegaloffense:进攻违例(见solation) | iisolation:四位进攻球员在一边,而由第五位球员单吃对方防球员

unauthorized building:违例建筑物

unallocated government land 未拨用的政府土地 | unauthorized building 违例建筑物 | Unauthorized Building Advisory Committee 违例建筑物谘询委员会

unauthorized structure:违例构筑物;违例搭建物

unauthorized occupant 非认可占用人;未经认可占用人 | unauthorized structure 违例构筑物;违例搭建物 | unauthorized tenant 非认可租客;未经认可租户

8 Second Half Court:8秒不过半场违例

backcourt 回场 | 8 second half court 8秒不过半场违例 | 3 dec in the key 进攻3秒违例

Thirty-second rule:三十秒违例

Ten-second rule .十秒违例 | Thirty-second rule .三十秒违例 | Three-pointer .三分球

tlolotloll Of the ten-second rule:十秒违例

29.violation of the five second rule 五秒违例 | 30.tlolotloll Of the ten-second rule十秒违例 | 31.violation of the thirty second rule 三十秒违例