英语人>词典>汉英 : 运送中的 的英文翻译,例句
运送中的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与运送中的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Trees play an important role in the sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in magnesium and calcium carbonate rocks.


Click the Show link to the right of the Shipping Preferences section.


In addition, the blood soliton can accelerate the delivery of oxygen to tissues and cells in the body.


Prior to loading onto the Vessel and after discharge from the Vessel or if the stage of Carriage during which the loss or damage to Goods occurred cannot be proved, the Carrier's liability shall be governed under the Hague Rules, except that the limitation shall be US$500 per package or per shipping

iv 在将货载装船之前和将货载卸下之后,或在无法证实货载遗失或损坏於运输过程中何阶段发生,运送人应按照「海牙规则」履行其责任,但根据条款 7 中的规定,每包装或每个货载单位应限制在 500 美元以内。

Iv Prior to loading onto the Vessel and after discharge from the Vessel or if the stage of Carriage during which the loss or damage to Goods occurred cannot be proved, the Carrier's liability shall be governed under the Hague Rules, except that the limitation shall be US$500 per package or per shipping

在将货载装船之前和将货载卸下之后,或在无法证实货载遗失或损坏於运输过程中何阶段发生,运送人应按照「海牙规则」履行其责任,但根据条款 7 中的规定,每包装或每个货载单位应限制在 500 美元以内。

A portion of the dust which collects in filter hoppers is not recirculated to the Meros process, but is removed from the system and conveyed to a residual hopper.


Notwithstanding Clause 6 iv, if the provisions of any contract between Carrier and any contractor or the provisions of any international convention or national law applicable to any such mode of Carriage employed at the time of such loss, damage, misdelivery, conversion or delay would result in liability

尽管有条款 6iv,如果运送人与任何承包人之间的合约中有相关规定,或适用於此类运输的任何国际公约或国家法规中有相关规定,且根据该规定在发生此类遗失、损坏、错误交货、调换或延误时,内陆运输运送人所承担的责任小於条款 6iv 中规定的责任,则运送人的责任应不超过较小的责任。

In the blood free radicals can oxidise LDL carrying cholesterol, which then turns "sticky" and forms deposits in blood vessel.


Many substances in our body need to be transited from here to there by blood, and some other


They approved a 40 percent increase in funding over the next two years, including a $1,200 teacher pay raise in each year; a 67 percent increase for special education; increases for textbook costs, transportation, and other operations; and, for the first time, aid to school districts for programs for gifted and talented children and for transporting kindergarten students, a big step toward universal kindergarten.


更多网络解释与运送中的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


调查人员发现于古代时沉入海中 的双耳长颈瓶 (Amphora),这是古希腊的一种壶, 壶上有两个手把,用作运送葡萄酒等交易货品. 调查队亦发现了法老雕像的头部,工作人员以金属器具先固定法老的头部,再运用汽球将雕像送上水面,

Red blood cell:红细胞

RBC是红细胞(red blood cell)的简称. 红细胞 红细胞又称红血球或红血细胞,是血液中最多的一种血细胞. 红细胞中含有血红蛋白,因而使血液呈红色. 血红蛋白能和空气中的氧结合,因此红细胞能通过血红蛋白将吸入肺泡中的氧运送给组织,



In Transit:运送中的

31.to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机 | 32. in transit 运送中的 | 33. off-peak season淡季

in vitro fertilization:体外授精

而在体外授精(in vitro fertilization)的实验中,null mice的排卵数量与野生型无明显差异,但null公鼠精子与null母鼠卵子结合,其受精比例明显下降. 综合以上研究结果显示,mGC-G表现在睪丸中的精细胞与精子,而在运送到附睪末端后mGC-G受到水解修饰,

off-peak season:淡季

32. in transit 运送中的 | 33. off-peak season淡季 | 34. flight schedule航班时间表

on the ground of:以--为理由

In transit 运送中的 | On the ground of 以...为理由 | Refer to 查阅,提到,说到,打听


世界银行现任行长罗伯特.佐利克被称为历任世界银行行长中最了解中国的一位,他在任美国副国务卿时提出了中美关系为"利益攸关者"(stakeholder)的概念. 开始时英国私人船主向澳洲运送罪犯的条件和美国从非洲运送黑人差不多. 船上拥挤不堪,

food vacuole:食泡

Ciliates--草履虫 草履虫用食泡(food vacuole)把食物包在里面,消化Vacuole是细胞中运送物质的构造,可以把运送的物质和细胞其他部分隔离. 伸缩泡(contractile vacuole)用来输送水分,可以调节渗透压. 最特别的是它有大小核,


从通信的角度看,各层所提供的服务可分为两大类,即面向连接的(connection-oriented)与无连接的(connectionless). 客户(client)和服务器(server)都是指通信中所涉及的两个应用进程. 返回 数据(data)是运送信息的实体,