英语人>词典>汉英 : 过去的事 的英文翻译,例句
过去的事 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bygone  ·  bygones

更多网络例句与过去的事相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

C It belongs to the present tense so it doesn't go with exact past adverbial.


Even so has Agamemnon angered me.


You can't be mad about the past.


It's important to get closure on things that happen to you,'' according to Denise Beike, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.


Let's forgive and forget, OK?


Mother often goes to the greengrocer's. She went there this morning.


In the hubbub of city life, it is hard for us to imagine the people and the things of the past, and how indeed these people felt about the world.


I decided to let bygones be bygones and be friends again with Patricia.


And so, the unfolding of the past, present and future is itself a matter of the past, the present and the future.


If I were you, I probably would be more than willing to let bygones be bygones.


更多网络解释与过去的事相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

but for evil:而是做丧尽天良的事

He used what I taught him, not for his own protection,|他过去在我身上学到的,不是用来保护自己 | but for evil.|而是做丧尽天良的事 | Well, fuck that guy. Here's to number two.|马的,鸟他咧 他才是第二名


feed 煽动(过去式为fed) | birthday 生日 | bygone 过去的事

Don't mention it. Let bygones be bygones:别再提它了,让过去的事过去吧

46. 让过去的事过去吧let bygones be bygones | 别再提它了,让过去的事过去吧. Don't mention it. Let bygones be bygones. | 47. 烦透了be sick and tired of ...

professional in every sense of the word:不折不扣的,地地道道的

everything is in a jam.一团糟 | professional in every sense of the word.不折不扣的,地地道道的. | Let bygones be bygones.让过去的事成为过去吧.

It'll pass:事情会过去的

别老是惦记这件事. Don't dwell on it. | 事情会过去的. It'll pass. | 我不想耽搁你的时间. I don't wanna hold you up.

oughtn't to/should't have done:过去不应该做的事却做了

ought to/should have done 过去本应该做的事却没有做 | oughtn't to/should't have done 过去不应该做的事却做了 | could have done 本来可以做的事却没有做

That is past tense:那都是过去的事了

2 I do not remember much else.我记不起其他的了. | 3 That is past tense.那都是过去的事了. | 4 I think maybe we should split for a while.我觉得我们先分开一段.

regret doing:对做过去的事后悔

regret to do ... 对要做的事表示后悔 | regret doing ... 对做过去的事后悔 | can't help to do...不能帮助做某事

grace is unmerited favor:恩典是受者不配的恩惠

Let go, don't hold on to it,让过去的事过去,而不要再执著心中 | grace is unmerited favor 恩典是受者不配的恩惠 | forgiveness doesn't mean what happened it ok 宽恕并不意味着发生的事情是情有可原的,

left a bitter taste in one's mouch:留下不愉快的回忆

last straw 最后一根稻草 | left a bitter taste in one's mouch 留下不愉快的回忆 | let bygone bygone 让过去的事过去吧