英语人>词典>汉英 : 迁都 的英文翻译,例句
迁都 的英文翻译、例句


move the capital to another place
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After the outbreak of Anti-Japanese War, chairman Lin Sen ordered to move the capital from Nanjing to Chongqing on November 20, 1937, and all the staff arrived in Chongqing the same year. On December 9, 1941, Lin Sen, on behalf of the nationalist government, declared war against Japan, thus China's Anti- Japanese War was a part of the world anti-fascism battle. Lin Sen died of a road accident and its complications on August 1, 1949. He was buried beside his official residence—"Lin Yuan"(which is located in the PLA Chongqing Communication College).


In the 5th century the Empress Eudocia settled in Jerusalem, she had the city's boundary extended southward and a wall built that encompassed Mount Zion and the Siloam Pool.


I hear the government's moving to Hangchow .


The fact that the North 's going to set up their own government, and that the Central Government's moving to Hangchow, means that neither side's willing to make peace and that they're both determined to fight it out.


The South Korean government officially announced the new administrative capital of South Korea initial Xindu address the circumstances surrounding the South Korean capital Address Why is the world capital influx of South Korean capital Dream roundness


They moved the capital to the old Imperial Palace, and reinstated senatorial rule.


Thus the Arab Umayyad dynasty of caliphs, which had moved the capital from Medina to Damascus in 661, came to be regarded with much justification as a parasitic clique that had outlived its usefulness once the conquests were completed.

人们开始理由充分地认为,阿拉伯伍麦叶里发王朝是征服战争完成后毫无作用的一个寄生集团;伍麦叶王朝曾于 661 年从麦地那迁都大马士革。

Shortly afterward, the seat of government was moved to Guatemala City. Founded in 1542, Antigua had, in the days of its viceregal glory, scores of splendid government buildings, churches, huge estates, fountains, and plazas.


After moving the capital to the Banks with Good Snow, Songzan Ganbu succeeded in unifying the whole of Tibet in a few years, establishing thus the first great Tufan dynasty in the highlands and becoming the best-loved of all Tibetan rulers.


After the outbreak of Anti-Japanese War, chairman Lin Sen ordered to move the capital from Nanjing to Chongqing on November 20, 1937, and all the staff arrived in Chongqing the same year. On December 9, 1941, Lin Sen, on behalf of the nationalist government, declared war against Japan, thus China's Anti- Japanese War was a part of the world anti-fascism battle. Lin Sen died of a road accident and its complications on August 1, 1949. He was buried beside his official residence—"Lin Yuan"(which is located in the PLA Chongqing Communication College).


更多网络解释与迁都相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


负担太沉重而未能实施. 首都德黑兰(Tehran)位于地中海-喜马拉雅地震带上. 德黑兰目前的居民为1200万,每天都会发生三到四起小地震,震级可达里氏三级. 从安全上考虑,伊朗政府曾多次谈论过从德黑兰迁都的计划,特别是在巴姆(Bam)


其实不全是庙宇,大多是历代国王和王后的衣冠冢(CENOTAPH). 同全印度六亿多印度教徒一样,拉贾斯坦的王族们死后,骨灰也都撒入恒河,雕刻精美的衣冠冢只是纪念碑而已. 1459年,国王饶.焦达(RAO JODHA)听从圣人的建议,迁都更有战略意义的焦特布尔,

Disappointing Victory:失意的凯旋

83 After the Festival 祭典之后 | 84 Disappointing Victory 失意的凯旋 | 85 Moving the Capital 迁都


古代亚述都城宁鲁德的遗址,在底格里斯河上游,摩苏尔(Mosul)南方面临河岸之处. 约公元前9世纪,亚述王亚述纳西尔伯二世(Ashu-na-sirpl)迁都于此. 拉亚德在此发掘出很多亚述时期的重要文化遗产,除黑色方尖碑外,


1066年(北宋中朝),说法语的诺曼底人(Norman)侵入英国,此后二百年间英格兰以法语为官方语言. 后来,1350--1380年间,英语开始用作学校语言和法庭语言. 1399年(明朝迁都北京之前),英格兰人亨利第四当上了英王,此后英语的伦敦方言成为文学语言.

Potala Palace:布达拉宫

[布达拉宫](Potala Palace)为吐蕃王朝藏王松赞干布于公元633年迁都拉萨时所建,后毁于战火,公元1645年,五世达赖喇嘛重建,其建筑依山而建,分为白宫及红宫两大部份,采土石木为结构,宫体主楼高117公尺,分13层楼,是历代达赖喇嘛之冬宫,

Chao Phraya River:湄南河

位於[[湄南河]](Chao Phraya River)的东岸,靠近[[暹罗湾]](Gulf of Thailand). 曼谷从一个小型贸易中心和港口开始发展. 1767年,旧都[[大城]](Ayutthaya)被[[缅甸]]军攻陷并彻底破坏,因此[[1782年]]国王[[拉玛一世]]便迁都至湄南河西侧的吞武里府(),

Theravada Buddhism:小乘佛教

之后屡遭毗邻傣族攻打,小乘佛教(Theravada Buddhism)经由锡兰和暹罗(泰国旧称)引进后取代大乘佛教(Mahayana Buddhism). 而1431年来自暹罗的攻击迫使他们迁都到金边(Phnom Penh).


迁都科尼亚(Konya),古称伊康(Iconium),故又称伊康素丹国. 1080~1081年,苏莱曼先后攻克舍马哈、尼德微、安塔基亚,其势力伸展至小亚细亚西北部和爱琴海岸. 1086年,苏莱曼逝世后,其继任者实行分封制,国内公国林立,互相混战,

Innocent II:英诺森二世

1139年,教皇英诺森二世(Innocent II)接受了这个事实,正式册封罗杰二世为西西里国王,阿普里亚公爵以及卡普亚亲王. 不久之后,罗杰二世占领了那不勒斯并迁都于此,那不勒斯王国就此诞生. 俗话说"得陇望蜀",诺曼人的眼光又盯上了西西里岛.