英语人>词典>汉英 : 转瞬之间 的英文翻译,例句
转瞬之间 的英文翻译、例句


in a twinkling · in a twinkle
更多网络例句与转瞬之间相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this short time, far from home, a man of Iron I've grown.


The person I go to meet may be changed in his feelings towards me; or he may retain all the old feeling until the moment of seeing me, and then lose it in a breath at sight of my poor wan face, for I was called a pretty girl, Mr. Talboys, when I sailed for Sydney, fifteen years ago; or he may be so changed by the world as to have grown selfish and mercenary, and he may welcome me for the sake of my fifteen years' savings.


But he was so alert, and made such good use of his time, that in another moment he was scouring away up a bystreet, after shedding his cloak, hat, long hatband, white pocket handkerchief, and other symbolical tears.


On the crowds opening the coach doors, the one mourner scuffled out of himself and was in their hands for a moment; but he was so alert, and made such good use of his time, that in another moment he was scouring away up a bystreet, after shedding his cloak, hat, long hatband, white pocket handkerchief, and other symbolical tears.


The oriental cherry out of window died finally,leaving blank which let people feel pain.the willow catkin were still fluttering.but i know they didn't have enough time.why are the white things overturned earily by time,why do they disappear in the shadow of time in an instant?


Then he whirled her round with a twist of his hand, and flung her down from heaven so that she fell on to the fields of mortal men; and he was ever angry with her when he saw his son groaning under the cruel labours that Eurystheus laid upon him.


The whole tenor of his thoughts had instantaneously changed.


Through the fire and through the smoke--in the fire and in the smoke, for the sea cast him up against a cannon, and on the instant he became a cannonier--Defarge of the wine-shop worked like a manful soldier, Two fierce hours.


If you put scarfskin in the mouth, it will be melt in a moment, if you take the Lotus leaf cake and special Hollow sesame cake with the roast duck together, you will feel that every dish of Duwang is created by heart.


In half a shake, in a shake, in a couple of shakes都是in two shakes of a lamb's tail


更多网络解释与转瞬之间相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And in these days:近期昼短

In a new york minute 转瞬之间 | And in these days 近期昼短 | When darkness falls early 夜降渐早

And in these days:此期日短

In a new york minute 转瞬之间 | And in these days 此期日短 | When darkness falls early 夜降渐早


甚至在>开始的失真吉它和鼓声里,你还能听到"齐伯林飞艇"(led zeppelin)时代独有的音效和气质,而转瞬之间轻巧的鼓击就又将人带回到了九十年代的独立之声,也许这就是兼收并蓄在音乐上的特有表现.


甚至在<<down>>开始的失真吉它和鼓声里,你还能听到"齐伯林飞艇"(led zeppelin)时代独有的音效和气质,而转瞬之间轻巧的鼓击就又将人带回到了九十年代的独立之声,也许这就是兼收并蓄在音乐上的特有表现.