英语人>词典>汉英 : 躲猫猫 的英文翻译,例句
躲猫猫 的英文翻译、例句


hide-and-seek · hide-and-seek game
更多网络例句与躲猫猫相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Let's play blindman's bluff.


Black brickkiln " incident," Hua Nahu " incident, arrive to just be opened even " hide feline cat incident, say the power that is Internet with its, be inferior to saying is a citizen in participating in a process, formed joint force, critically to undeserved policy and corrupt behavior with opposed result.


Dinosaurian quite interesting, interact with us, still play with us hide cat.


Hiding play with a hand, a cloth, book or whatever you can shortly cover your face and guck guck to produce it out again.


My kids love to play hide-and-seek with us.


I want to play hide-and-seek.


The game Hide and Seek refers to a cat and mouse strategy that shifts power back and forth between the hider and the seeker as each of the players takes a turn.


Bedside cupboard by French brand Vidame Creation employs a concept of draping scroll, miscellaneous objects can be ingenuously concealed in the creases.

法国布列塔尼半岛品牌Vidame Creation展出的床头柜,以轻轻垂下的卷轴为概念,在皱折处间同时玩躲猫猫的游戏,可将床头杂物巧妙的隐藏存放。

There are two little stars That play bo-peep With two little fish Far down in the deep; And two little frogs Cry "Neap, neap, neap;" I see a dear baby That should be asleep.


Peekaboo - game that babies love. You hide your eyes behind your hands, or a towel, or anything else, then you uncover your eyes and say "Peekaboo!"


更多网络解释与躲猫猫相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I hid:我们很自然的玩着躲猫猫的游戏

The warning came as it often did 一如往常 | I felt no shame, played the game, you count, I hid 我们很自然的玩着躲猫猫的游戏 | When winter whispers in crisp morning air 清新的晨雾弥漫着冬天的气息

Hide and seek:天线宝宝躲猫猫

快乐识气象 Happy weather stories | 天线宝宝躲猫猫 Hide and seek | 看,看...... Look!

hide-and-seek game:躲猫猫

Slumdog Millionaire> | hide-and-seek game躲猫猫 | flash mob快闪族


据说当年派拉蒙不晓得这部影片到底讲什么,所以海报都以Veronica Lake为宣传重点,宣传语也是用"Veronica Lake's on the take",之所以如今的DVD封套依然沿用这个让人一头雾水的海报方案,大概是Veronica Lake当年的"躲猫猫"(peekaboo)发型(弯曲着半遮住


80 Pardon? 请再说一遍? | 81 Peekaboo! 躲躲猫! | 82 Perfect! 很完美!


No, no, no.|不, 这不好 | Peekaboo!|这能玩躲猫猫耶! | Do you like the gold?|这个金框好看吗?

Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo:或继续做保姆玩"躲躲猫"我是不会腻的

This time tomorrow,you could be a free mammoth.|明天这个时候你...就可以自由... | Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo.|或继续做保姆玩"躲躲猫"我是不会腻的 | Guys. Guys. Check this out.|伙计们,瞧这个

peep-bo peek-a-boo:躲躲猫

patience solitaire 单人纸牌戏 | peep-bo peek-a-boo 躲躲猫 | peg clothespin 晒衣夹

The cat took refuge from the dog behind a tree:那只猫躲在一棵树后以逃避那只狗

8. refuge: a protected, safe place; protection from danger; shelter (... | The cat took refuge from the dog behind a tree. 那只猫躲在一棵树后以逃避那只狗. | 9. regain: get possession of again; recover...

Singing male Two-spotted tree cricket covering hole with wings:双斑滑胫树蟋躲好猫猫再唱歌

38. Neoxabea bipunctata male grooming baffle ho... | 39. Singing male Two-spotted tree cricket covering hole with wings --- 双斑滑胫树蟋躲好猫猫再唱歌. DMpNmF> | 40. Mating position for Neoxabea bipu...