英语人>词典>汉英 : 身份 的英文翻译,例句
身份 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
identity  ·  standing  ·  status  ·  viscounty  ·  auditorship  ·  identities  ·  standings  ·  statuses

更多网络例句与身份相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It can be classified into connatural status crime and legal status crime by the forming reasons for subject status .


Focusing on the contrastive interpretations and even the contrapuntal readings, this paper rereads Naipaut's novel A Bend in the River from the perspective of cultural identity, and provides with an interpretation of cultural identity paradox, while points out some theoretical blind spots of those post-colonist critics in their political treatment of Naipaul and his works.


But for the using amount for each defalcator should take into consideration for their measurement in penalty. Etc.The person with the specific principal part of status ansd the persons without defalcated together and used by the person without the specific principal status ,The defalcator should be defined according to the different circumstances.3 According to the difference in different kinds of guarantee.


These images of China full of diversity and mobility simultaneously reflect the diversity, mobility and open-endedness of the writers cultural identity, and so refute the belief in essentialist identity of Asian American literature criticism, and at the same time echo the views on multi-cultural identity and diasporic identity advocated by some Asian American scholars.


With the help of Prof. Wang Zuofu's viewpoint of the modified crime constitution of identity crime in co-crime in his "New study on identity and crime constitution ", the author demonstrates that identity is not the subject element of crime constitution of identity crime in co-crime.


She "didn't know who she was but gained an identity through her messiness, through her lack of identity, by splattering her lack of identity on the walls of our culture," he says.


This thesis takes the strenuous search for cultural identity of the Dead family in Song of Solomon as the main line, embarks on the cultural identity of blacks in different periods, connects the pursuit of identity with their history in American society, outlines a vivid historical picture of blacks from the evolution of their identity (from the enslaved black to the emancipated freedman, to the northern migrator and then the youth born in the north), further explores the efforts made by the blacks on their way to seek their national outlets and build their cultural identity in different periods, points out the advantage and disadvantage of their choice, and finally draws to the conclusion that African American should not abandon their national tradition but at the same time they must stand on American society and find a sound integrity of the two cultures.


My demonstration is focused on her two major conundrums of identity: gender and nationality. Firstly, she had been not confirmed her gender as conventionally and socially acknowledged female. She was a put-on woman, both bisexual and masculine. Her psychological trauma resulted from this everlasting confusion in gender. Secondly, her national identity remained uncertain. Though born in New Zealand, she was more Londonish than native spiritually.


She "didn't know who she was but gained an identity through her messiness, through her lack of identity, by splattering her lack of identity on the walls of our culture," he says.


In the article, the bewilderment in counterpoising in order to list pedagogic dimension above all comes to the author how does identity of derivative teacher law locate this one task, be opposite next scholar of area of our country Taiwan undertook brief introducing about the different point of view of pedagogic law identity, the worker status that carries pair of teachers next and officeholder identity undertake an analysis, put forward a teacher to should hold the viewpoint of special officeholder concurrently for special laborer, emphasize the two-tier law identity that elaborated fixed position teacher to be perfected in legislation finally reach law is applicable the great and direct import that go up.


更多网络解释与身份相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Abase:降低(身份) 额娘弹贝司是降低身份

Senio r: 大四学生 噻!你马上就要毕业了! | Abase: 降低(身份) 额娘弹贝司是降低身份. | Abash: 使羞愧/困窘 恶人向我拜师使我羞愧.

Authentication Status:身份验证状态

Authentication Required 需要身份验证 | Authentication Status 身份验证状态 | Auto Rename: 自动重命名:

Authentication Required:需要身份验证

Attach file summary information to the file. 将文件摘要信息附加到文件. | Authentication Required 需要身份验证 | Authentication Status 身份验证状态


在对福利国家的社会政策进行改革与反思的过程中,"公民身份"(citizenship)进入了理论家和社会政策制定者的视野,并引起广泛关注. 当前资本主义国家面临的公民身份危机已经在社会经济和政治生活中凸显出消极的后果,


colonel 团长 | colonelcy 上校身份 | colonelship 上校身份

Ludo Beheydt:[鲁汶大学客座教授] 艺术与文化身份、语言与文化身份

Christine van Baalen:语法 | Ludo Beheydt:[鲁汶大学客座教授] 艺术与文化身份、语言与文化身份 | Suzanne de Werd:文本分析

surrogate parenthood:代父母身份 代父母身份

surcharge 附加费 附加费 | surrogate parenthood 代父母身份 代父母身份 | surveillance 监视 监视

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sonship 儿子身份 | studentship 学生身份 | ladyship 贵妇人身份


她所提 出的有色人种认同发展模型按照认同变化的逻辑顺序,由五种身份(statuses)组成. 第一种身份是顺从(Conformity),它类似于接触身份. 第二种身份是不一致(Dissonance),处于这一身份的个体在有关自己民族的问题上表现的模棱两可而又略显混乱,