英语人>词典>汉英 : 躁动不安 的英文翻译,例句
躁动不安 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Is what really stimulates the clit and gets you all hot and bothered. Just because they need batteries


We have difference in majors or fields, but we do have commonness.


Soon Bangladeshi frigates will be armed with Chinese-supplied C-802 missiles that can be used to challenge capital ships from countries seen by Dacca as unfriendly.


Hegel says exactly as:"Erotic feeling is people's natural nature , having primitive instinct characteristic property , erotic feeling is active , the dysphoria is discomposed , talking essentially is not to be content with existing situation".


Happiness is your soul to be rely on somewhere, but disconsolateness; Happiness is your heart to be gratified mostly, but restlessness; Happiness is your spirit to be pleased, but blues; Happiness is the true feeling from men's innermost heart but definitions and elements people giving.


There will be tulip show in May, Spring scenery will become much rich set off multicoloured tulip, but there will be more dysphoria because of squoosh,so I much perfer the current Labor Par.


It faces a restive population that lives in about 13 percent of the land area of China.


His first adherents were a lady named Agape and a rhetorician named Helpidius, through whose influence Priscillian "a man of noble birth, of great riches, bold, restless, eloquent, learned through much reading, very ready at debate and discussion Sulpicius Severus,"His.

他的第一信徒被一位名为爱德和rhetorician命名helpidius ,通过其影响普里西利安"一名男子的崇高出生,具有十分重要的财富,大胆,躁动不安,雄辩滔滔,据悉,通过多读,非常愿意在辩论和讨论( sulpicius塞维鲁,"他的。

Peasant folk in the backwaters of southwestern China, wishing to temper the amount of wine downed in the course of a fireside toast, came upon a small device which, by its own accord, would control the rowdy spirits of the wine.


But the people who exercise the quiet Qi Gong can not over stickle for that, lest to hinder the high-level Qi Gong extend. The Regulate breath is effective gentle and relaxes for body and mind of player. It is indispensable element in the full exercise. As to the present day peoples who move restlessly, mind unsettled, heavy pressure, the regulate breath will provide good health protect effect of body, mind and spirit


更多网络解释与躁动不安相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What craziness:太疯狂了

躁动不安的人群:charging mob | 太疯狂了!What craziness! | 用胳膊肘顶出一条路:elbow one's way to...


于酒及药物过量的迷幻状态下向头部开枪 自尽. 在此之前,他们的最新大碟>( In Utero )正在全球热销之中. Nirvana 留下的只是他们音乐里有的那种躁动不安和最深的孤寂7.重金属(Metallica )乐队8.枪花(Guns N' Roses)乐队


Morose: 莫有玫瑰,郁闷的 | Overawed:过分敬畏\\被震慑的 | Agitated:躁动不安

Outcasts and idiots:都是贱民

Three more gone this morning.|又有三个人今早跑了 | Outcasts and idiots.|都是贱民 | They all get restless.With the fighting done|他们都变得躁动不安,在战争结束的时候