英语人>词典>汉英 : 路权 的英文翻译,例句
路权 的英文翻译、例句


right of way
更多网络例句与路权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So it is very important that the interaction of urban new region and public transportation. The strategies contain planning of urban new region and transportation, developing of new region and building of transportation infrastructure, and policies of land use and transportation. The key measures include collocating for land source, alloting for road right of way, traffic engineering, transportation demand management, new transit mode, planning of settlements and site, architectural design, etc.


Because of inappropriate operation between oncoming straight and left-turn vehicles of signalized intersections of urban areas in Taiwan the department of traffic ever offered corrigible opinions involve in right of way, center of intersections adjudging hard and indirectly encouraged to accelerate left-turn vehicles. But all still lack quantification analysis. Therefore, this problem is worth studying.This study will aim at safe passage of oncoming straight and left-turn vehicles for at-grade signalized intersections. So, this study will be based on row's theory, theory of traffic conflicts, and take many factors into consideration, such as the width of the intersections, types of the intersections, center of the intersections, the size of the vehicles, the location of the vehicles, the radius of turn, paths of operation, the speed of the vehicles, the types of collisions, the angle of road, and also deduce formulas of coordinate of paths. The main method used in this research is the simulation of different situations. By the method, the analytic model of safe passage of oncoming straight and left-turn vehicles for at-grade signalized intersections will be established, and this study will also subsume critical speed of conflict and expected number of times of safe passage. Finally involved rules of safe passage will be proffered.


A new concept of turn variable lane from the service level of signal intersection and the right-of-way was proposed. The principles and conditions of setting the turn variable lane were analyzed.


Start with Administration-based, integral freight companies, but with selected trackage rights competition between major markets


Can have competition by parallel tracks or by trackage rights


Freight competition through trackage rights or parallel tracks


When we are dealing with intellectual property, how do we know who is a trespasser and who is a greedy landowner trying to enclose the public right of way?


This research probes into the result to recognize, In motorcycle go space, go motorcycle of road space collect and plan, the space offering the motorcycle to go causes trouble reducibly, should examine the condition of the road promptly, the short medium and long-term tactics of positive planning are the objectives, strengthen ' motorcycle waiting for area, motorcycle turn left type of two sections, motorcycle special lane ', etc . way right plan fear to set up, to the people The motorcycle that life relies on, know the reason Traffic engineering and management specialized input, make motorcycle traffic the people correctly Life wealth Threaten, does not become again The people Nightmare of life.


Police, fire trucks and ambulances as they have the right of way on all roads.


At mid-river, it started snowing and at the same time we collided with another boat which led to a shouting match about who had the right of way.


更多网络解释与路权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

declare bankruptcy:宣布破产

在政区图栏中,可用协商(consult)一项来购买在某一政区的筑路权;股比重)、改变红利率(Change Dividend)、收购别家公司(Attempt Merger)和宣布破产(Declare Bankruptcy)六项命令,善加利用

full stop:(遇到STOP sign,要完全停下来)

Yield the Right-Of-Way (路权的礼让,该让要让,该走要走) | Full stop (遇到STOP sign,要完全停下来) | Unnecessary Stop (不该停的时后,不要停)

Right turn factor:右转因素

Right of Way 路权 | Right turn factor 右转因素 | Right Turn On Red 红灯右转

row:abbr. right of way; 路权

stop sign:停牌

1,停牌(Stop Sign):其中四面停牌(All -Way Stop Sign) 比较简单,路权规则为先到先走,同时到达右手先走. 其中单向停牌预示主路有高优先权,应彻底谦让,不能抢道,观察清楚两侧各150米无情况方可通过.

transmission ratio:传动比,传输比

"transmission range ","传输程,发送程" | "transmission ratio ","传动比,传输比" | "transmission right of way ","(输、配电)路径/路权"


其轨道结构包括钢铁(有小部分为铸铁)高架结构、水泥高架桥(Viaduct)、地堤、开放式隧道、以及地表路线. 以上所有的轨道结构都拥有完全分离的路权轨道. 纽约市捷运局于1953年设立,其成立目标为取代纽约市政府在地铁、公共汽车、及街车营运管理方面的责任.

Right of Way:路权

申请牛奶金(CCTB)所需的资料:SIN卡号码,地址,路权(Right of way)又划分的很清楚. 所以登陆后的驾驶培训成为新移民要做的头等大事.加拿大政府人力资源部(HRDC)为了帮助新移民尽快找到工作提供了各种各样的免费就业培训,总的说来,

Right of Way:航路权

国际海上碰撞预防条例( International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea ) 明确规定在右舷录灯范围内的来船有航路权(right of way),即在船首正前方至右后方112.5度范围之内,若见有他船时,须特别注意避让,

ROW Right Of Way:路权

ROTL Remote Office Test Line 远端局测试线路 | ROW Right Of Way 路权 | RP Regional Processor 区域处理机