英语人>词典>汉英 : 赫洛克 的英文翻译,例句
赫洛克 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与赫洛克相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Not wishing to sugarcoat the challenge,the king went on to describe the Chimaera as a fire—breathing monster directly related to Heracles nemesis the many—headed Hydra,and Cerberus,watchdog of Hades.

挑战 国王没有隐瞒这其实是一次挑战,他接着就描述了科迈拉的样子:这是一头喷火的怪物,它和大力神赫拉克勒斯的复仇女神——九头蛇许德拉和冥王哈得斯的看家狗克尔柏洛斯相似。

Woman's Journal(1936.12),题为《Mystery of the Dressing Case


Its germinate may trace back to Demokritos" and Epicurean hedonism of ancient Greek. It has passed through several stages. To 17 century"s Hobbes and Bacon and 18 centurys Locke, Claude Arien Helvetius, Holbach, Hume and Smith etc., utilitarianism is formed initially. As is well known, its mature statesmen are Bentham and Mill.


And those that dwelt in Lacedaemon, lying low among the hills, Pharis, Sparta, with Messe the haunt of doves; Bryseae, Augeae, Amyclae, and Helos upon the sea; Laas, moreover, and Oetylus; these were led by Menelaus of the loud battle-cry, brother to Agamemnon, and of them there were sixty ships, drawn up apart from the others.


Besides these, his teachers in grammar were the Greek Alexander of Cotiaeum,10 and the Latins Trosius Aper, Pollio, and Eutychius Proculus of Sicca; his masters in oratory were the Greeks Aninius Macer, Caninius Celer and Herodes Atticus,11 and the Latin Cornelius Fronto.12 Of these he conferred high honours on Fronto, even asking the senate to vote him a statue; but indeed he advanced Proculus also - even to a proconsulship, and assumed the burdens13 of the office himself.


This traditional Buddhism of Newar has recently become the subject of great interest and detail study on different aspects by Siegfried Lienhard, Joohn K.


Patroclus A Greek warrior, the attendant and friend of Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War.


Lithographing Kronos, Zeus his son, and Hercules his grandson


Baroques period cans not get away from Bach, the flute work cans not get away from the flute work of the Bach more.


There are plentiful and grazioso ornamentations in Bach's keyboard works.


更多网络解释与赫洛克相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sandra Bullock:主 演:桑德拉.布洛克

: 桑德拉 布洛克(Sandra Bullock)、 迈克尔 凯恩(Michael Caine)、 本杰明 布拉特(Benjamin Bratt)、 甘蒂丝 褒瑾(Candice Bergen)、 厄尼 赫德森(Ernie Hudson) 类型:动作、喜剧 年代:2000 简介: 姬丝(桑德拉布洛克)是联邦调查局一位出色的联邦探员,


Hathigumpha Inscription 诃提衮帕铭文154 | Havelock,Henry 哈夫洛克,亨利 150 | Hegde,Ramakrishna 赫格德,拉马克里希纳156


?Heraclidae 赫剌克勒斯族 | ?Hermaphroditus 赫耳玛佛洛铁托斯 | ?Hermes 赫耳墨斯


罗素 Russell, Bertrand Arthur William | 洛克 Locke, John | 马赫 Mach, E.


Maine译作梅恩,应为梅因; | McCulloch译为库洛克,应为麦克库洛赫; | Mataja译为马特嘉,应为马塔亚;


菲罗克忒忒斯(Philoctetes):赫拉克剌斯的朋友;赫拉克剌斯临死时将弓箭送给他. 普里阿摩斯(Priams):特洛亚战争时期的里塞伊丝(Briseis):特洛亚著名美女;为阿喀琉斯所俘虏,由于她的谜煞虿引起了希腊将帅不和. 欧罗巴(Europe):美丽的人间女子,

hermann broch:布洛赫/布洛克

hermann broch 布洛赫/布洛克 | the sleepwalkers 梦游者 | the death of virgil 维吉尔之死


?Heracles,Hercules 赫剌克勒斯,海格立斯(罗马神话中称为赫耳枯勒斯) | ?Heraclidae 赫剌克勒斯族 | ?Hermaphroditus 赫耳玛佛洛铁托斯

Drogheda Utd:爱超爱尔兰足球超级联赛德罗赫达联队德罗赫杜希達聯

10爱超爱尔兰足球超级联赛都柏林大学都柏林都柏林大學UCD Dublin | 11爱超爱尔兰足球超级联赛德罗赫达联队德罗赫杜希達聯Drogheda Utd | 12爱超爱尔兰足球超级联赛沙姆洛克流浪沙姆洛沙姆洛克流浪Shamrock Rovers

