英语人>词典>汉英 : 费劲的工作 的英文翻译,例句
费劲的工作 的英文翻译、例句


warm work
更多网络例句与费劲的工作相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It was devilish hard work climbing the mountain.


This is exhausting work, but I manage to keep going.


Tom is too comfortably ensconced in his modest, undemanding job ever to consider making a change.


He masturbate so much he had to roc a wristband you got guns pointed my way he's so played out i thought he was the old school joint of the day i got fans across the country jin is who they feelin' last time he had a fan it was spinnin on the ceilin' i go online, and check my hotmail he go on the internet lookin for hot males you aint a hustler your man's coppin the work he be at the club, like tweet, droppin his skirt oops, i didn't know my freestyle teared up you up on stage but it's a pity though don't make me spit in your mouth like missy's old video im nice with it

你想打败我?别费劲了,你就是个唱OLD SCHOOL的最傻的傻大个我的粉丝遍布全国。你最近的一个粉丝现在再天花板上吊着呢我上网是为了查邮件他上网是为了找GAY 你不是拉皮条的你的同志们再夜总会工作,看起来就像TWEET脱裙子一样滑稽(tweet好象是那个坐椅子上的胖子)哦!不好意思,我什么也没说,我让你再台上一败涂地尽管你很不幸,但也别惹我,当心我像MISSY当年的MV一样吐痰在你嘴里

My application for a change of department was readily acceded to.


更多网络解释与费劲的工作相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

elbow grease:费劲的体力活,(尤指)擦拭

double check 复查,仔细检查 | elbow grease 费劲的体力活,(尤指)擦拭 | get (something) off the ground 开始或从事某工作,在某方面取得进展

get (something) off the ground:开始或从事某工作,在某方面取得进展

elbow grease 费劲的体力活,(尤指)擦拭 | get (something) off the ground 开始或从事某工作,在某方面取得进展 | go the extra mile 竭尽全力,加倍努力

gravy train:[俚]不费劲而赚大钱的工作或机会, 轻松的活儿

down train 下行列车(尤指英国从伦敦开出的列车) | gravy train [俚]不费劲而赚大钱的工作或机会, 轻松的活儿 | intrain 准备就绪

I'll bet:没错

16.真够呛. I''m running myself ragged. | 17.没错. I''ll bet. | 18.费劲的工作. It''s an uphill battle.

machine is on the fritz:机器是坏的

18.费劲的工作. It''s an uphill battle. | 19.机器是坏的. machine is on the fritz. | 20.也许我能为你做些什么. Maybe I could run some errands for you.

down train:下行列车(尤指英国从伦敦开出的列车)

by train 乘火车(去) | down train 下行列车(尤指英国从伦敦开出的列车) | gravy train [俚]不费劲而赚大钱的工作或机会, 轻松的活儿