英语人>词典>汉英 : 费利尼 的英文翻译,例句
费利尼 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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City educated Felix Frankfurter, a pivotal figure on the Supreme Court (class of 1902), Ira Gershwin (1918), Jonas Salk, the inventor of the polio vaccine (1934) and Robert Kahn, an architect of the internet (1960). A left-wing place in the 1930s and 1940s, City spawned many of the neo-conservative intellectuals who would later swing to the right, such as Irving Kristol (class of 1940, extra-curricular activity: anti-war club), Daniel Bell and Nathan Glazer.

城市大学还培养出了最高法院的关键人物费利克斯法兰克福(1902 届),埃拉格什温(1918 届),天花疫苗发明者乔纳斯索尔克(1934 届)以及互联网设计者罗伯特卡恩(1960 届)等人。20 世纪三,四十年代,城市大学作为左翼分子活动区,城市大学孕育了许多新保守主义知识分子,他们后来都转向了右翼,比如欧文克里斯托(1940 届,校外活动积极分子,参加过反战俱乐部),丹尼尔贝尔和内森格雷泽。

Georgia's new ambassador to Berlin, once she presents her credentials to the president next month, will be Gabriela Maria Charlotte Felicitas Elisabeth Antonia von Habsburg-Lothringen, princess Imperial and Archduchess of Austria, Princess Royal of Hungary and Bohemia.


Fellini is surrounded by old colleagues, and what strikes me at once is how old they all are.


Cast ::, Gene Hackman as Henry Hearst, Morgan Freeman as Captain Victor Benezet, Thomas Jane as Detective Felix Owens, Monica Bellucci as Chantal Hearst, Nydia Caro as Isabella, Miguel ngel Suárez as Superintendent ..


Here we will consider Kathleen Danker's "Because of This I Am Called the Foolish One: Felix White, Sr.'s Interpretations of the Winnebago Trickster."


Abandoning traditional plot and conventional "character development," Fellini and co-screenwriters Ennio Flaiano and Tullio Pinelli, forged a cinematic narrative that rejected continuity, unnecessary explanations, and narrative logic in favour of seven non-linear encounters between Marcello, a kind of Dantesque Pilgrim, and an underworld of 120 different characters.


The crush occurred after part of a wall collapsed when ticketless fans stormed one of the entrances to the 45000-capacity Houphouet-Boigny stadium shortly before the game.


Here we will consider Kathleen Danker's "Because of This I Am Called the Foolish One: Felix White, Sr.'s Interpretations of the Winnebago Trickster."


Los Angeles was founded September 4, 1781, by Spanish governor Felipe de Neve as El Pueblo de Nuestra Seora la Reina de los Angeles del Río de Porciúncula (The Village of Our Lady, the Queen of the Angels of the river of Porziuncola). It became a part of Mexico in 1821, following its independence from Spain.

洛杉矶成立于1781年9月4日的西班牙费利佩尼夫政府,城市命名为 El Pueblo de Nuestra Seora la Reina de los Angeles del Río de Porciúncula (意为圣母之村,Porziuncola河的天使女王村)。1821年它成为墨西哥的一部分,在墨西哥从西班牙独立的时候。

More than Florence, more than Venice, Rome is Italy's treasure trove, packed with masterpieces from more than two millennia of artistic achievement — for this is where Republican Rome once bustled around the buildings of the Roman Forum, centuries later Michelangelo Buonarroti painted the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, and in modern times, Federico Fellini filmed "La Dolce Vita" and "17/2" at Cinecittà Studios.


更多网络解释与费利尼相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Felice Piccolo:(费利斯.皮科洛)

1983年,恩波利的费利斯.皮科洛(Felice PICCOLO)出生. 1984年,朴次茅斯的萨雷.阿里.蒙塔里(Sulley Ali Muntari)出生. 1984年,休斯敦迪纳摩的埃里克.埃伯特(Eric Ebert)出生. 1985年,HNK哈伊杜克斯普利特的尼奇拉.耶拉维奇(Nikica JELAVIC)出生.

San Felix:圣费利克斯

早在1961年已在卡罗尼河口建桥,将新兴工业城市奥尔达斯港(Puerto Ordaz)与奥利诺科河旧港圣费利克斯(San Felix)连接起来,从而形成圭亚那城市综合体. 後来圭亚那城又有一条主要公路与加拉卡斯连接. 3.支流阿普雷河水能资源开发:阿普雷河水能资源也很丰富,

Federico Fellini:费里尼

除了曾經與義大利國寶級導演費里尼(Federico Fellini)共同編寫他的電影劇本[揚帆](E la Nave Va ,And the Ship Sails On),凱瑟琳的小說>(Police)也曾被坎城金棕櫚獎導演莫利斯皮雅拉(Maurice Pialat)拍為同名電影,

Henry Fonda:亨利.方达(《愤怒的葡萄》《金色池塘》,简.芳达的爹)

19 Federico Fellini 费德里科.费里尼(意大利大导演,>) | 20 Henry Fonda 亨利.方达(>>,简.芳达的爹) | 21 Joan Fontaine 琼.芳登(>>)

Pretoria Minute:比勒陀利亚会议记录

Presunto Delincuente Terrorista;涉嫌恐怖犯罪分子;PPDDTT; | Pretoria Minute;比勒陀利亚会议记录;; | Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Veereeniging;比勒陀利亚-威特沃特斯兰-费伦尼京 (比威费区);PWV;比威费区

Willy Sagnol:维利.萨尼奥尔

"慕尼黑 - 维利.萨尼奥尔(Willy Sagnol),这位坐在费利克斯.马加特(Felix Magath)身侧的法国后卫,同样在新闻发布会上发言:"米兰攻守平衡,他们团结一致,配合紧密.

misos mitilini:米蒂利尼岛

misfeldt||米斯费尔特 | misos mitilini||米蒂利尼岛 | misota||米绍塔

Henry Fonda:亨利.方达(《愤怒的葡萄》《金色池塘》,简.芳达的爹)

19 Federico Fellini 费德里科.费里尼(意大利大导演,<<八部半>>) | 20 Henry Fonda 亨利.方达(<<愤怒的葡萄>><<金色池塘>>,简.芳达的爹) | 21 Joan Fontaine 琼.芳登(<<深闺疑云>><<蝴蝶梦>>)

HOUPHOUET-BOIGNY, Felix:费利克斯.乌弗埃-博瓦尼

Houphouet-Boigny International foundation for Peace;乌弗埃博瓦尼国际和平基金会;; | HOUPHOUET-BOIGNY, Felix;费利克斯.乌弗埃-博瓦尼;; | hour cost;小时成本;;

Houphouet-Boigny International foundation for Peace:乌弗埃博瓦尼国际和平基金会

HOUNGAVOU, Patrice;帕特里斯.洪加武;; | Houphouet-Boigny International foundation for Peace;乌弗埃博瓦尼国际和平基金会;; | HOUPHOUET-BOIGNY, Felix;费利克斯.乌弗埃-博瓦尼;;