英语人>词典>汉英 : 贵族的血统 的英文翻译,例句
贵族的血统 的英文翻译、例句


blue blood
更多网络例句与贵族的血统相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She was of aristocratic lineage .


Bluet It diffuses from inside the solemnness, implicitness and simpleness.

帝女花 庄重、大方,骨子里有着贵族的血统,却流露朴素自然的美。

I think that the kitten comes from a traditional cat noblesse, holding the noble ancestry, and it is just showing its splendid fur to the audience that stand under the tree.


But more than half the noble families of Ferelden claim to be descendants of Hafter, and consequently, many of our people believe they have some distant kinship with wolves.


But more than half the noble families of Ferelden claim to be descendants of Hafter, and consequently, many of our people believe they have some d.tant kinship with wolves.


An aristocratic family; aristocratic Bostonians; aristocratic government; a blue family; blue blood; the blue-blooded aristocracy; of gentle blood; patrician landholders of the American South; aristocratic bearing; aristocratic features; patrician tastes.


But the aristocrats, pallid though they were by Philippine standards, were less Edwardian buffers than mestizos of Spanish-indigenous or Spanish-Chinese blood, whose landholdings and feudal attitudes were reminiscent of nowhere so much as time-warped Pakistan.


No less than 80 nobles of royal blood were killed in the wars.


Carry the Reckoning back 300 Yeal'sfarther,and the NumbeIanlounts to above 500 Millions;which are more than exist at any one Time upon Fatlh,and shews thempossibility of preservin.gblood fi.ee from Mixtures.and that the Pretension of such Puri in arLCieFarailies is a mere,Joke,..


Knight Club and Paris POLO Association, as the social communication and recreational fields of the nobilities, it's not easy to become the member and normally you must spend several years on application, especially the Knight Club, it's an extremely private club and it's very hard to be admitted.


更多网络解释与贵族的血统相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

blue blood:贵族血统

3如果父母同胞都这样,那么可能是口唇颜色深,五脏功能无异常、工作生活无任何影响,就不必过虑、任它去吧,可能是很潇洒、很自豪的英国贵族血统(blue blood )呢!

a blue moon:千载难逢

A blue moon = 千载难逢 | Out of the blue = 突然 = suddenly(不是"青出于蓝"的意思啊!) | Blue blood = 血统纯正的贵族 (blue在此有"高贵"的意思)


把汽车生产基地放在曼彻斯特,德贝(Derby)工厂完全生产飞机发动机. 1938年,又在克鲁建成了汽车分厂. 豪华车的手工基因手工工艺打造汽车是劳斯莱斯和宾利的传统,也是贵族血统的重要指标. 今天,宾利汽车仍然在英国柴郡的克鲁市由经验丰富的工匠以手工拼装,


迪龙 / 龙斯方,身高:183cm, 体重:70kg,IQ:180 (天才),父亲是权力遮天,财力雄厚的迪龙(DILLON)家族的族长,母亲则身出名门,具有皇家纯正贵族血统. 兴趣:凡只要我感到有趣想做的就是我的兴趣,目前最有兴趣的就是拐骗个恨透我的女人当老婆(自信满满),


列穆岛(Lemuy I.)上的总督戈梅斯(Gomez)是西班牙的一对贵族夫妇的后代,由于几代连续和当地土人结婚,所以现在这个人已经变成了一个印第安人. 另一方面,金兆岛(Quinchao I.)上的总督还经常不断地吹牛说,他自己仍保留着纯粹的西班牙血统.


德语中的"贵族"(adel)与"高尚"(edel)、英语中的"绅士"(gentleman)与"贵族"(nobleman)之间的联系是天然的或自然的. 正是血统上的高贵才提供了把精神加封为贵族的条件,而不是如人们通常所认为的"精神贵族"那样单纯指精神上的"贵族气质"、或在精神与肉体的分离中


在当年,该基金会购置了一栋房产,从此成为今后骷髅会的固定聚会地点,被称作"墓地"(tomb). 4、会员选择 每年只15人入会 条件相当苛刻 被征选的会员必须符合下列条件: 出身美国东部豪门,家世显赫,最好是从英国移民、带有贵族血统的家族成员;


blue blood 贵族血统 | yellow-bellied 胆小的 | yellow-livered 胆小的

a blue baby:有先天性心脏缺欠的婴儿

blue alert空袭警报;台风警报 | a blue baby有先天性心脏缺欠的婴儿 | blue blood贵族血统

Norman Conquest:诺曼征服

之后,诺曼人于11世纪横渡海峡占领英国,诺曼底公爵加冕为英王威廉一世,史称"诺曼征服"(Norman conquest). 他们是从萨克逊贵族手中夺取的权利,因为这时海盗帝国已随着欧陆政权的重新确立逐渐消亡了. 从诺曼征服至今,诺曼底公爵的血统一直在英国王室流传,