英语人>词典>汉英 : 豪饮者 的英文翻译,例句
豪饮者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
toper  ·  maltworm  ·  boozers

更多网络例句与豪饮者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

California Zinfandel is a perfect quaff with burgers, ribs, fajitas and chili but vegetarians will be thrilled to know it is also the best choice with lentils, especially when served with grilled Portobello mushrooms.


Revellers swigged champagne, beer, spirits and cocktails ahead of the ban which came into force at midnight.


The finest clarets and best burgundies 勃艮第will not escape the latest drive to counter the booze豪饮,酒宴 culture, which continues on Monday with a hard-hitting advertising campaign aimed at young drinkers.


更多网络解释与豪饮者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


maltreatment 虐待 | maltster 麦芽制造者 | maltworm 豪饮者

Topeka:托皮卡 (名)

tope 豪饮 (动) | Topeka 托皮卡 (名) | toper 豪饮者; 酒徒 (名)


paratrooper伞兵 | toper 豪饮者,酒徒 | 129.capper 制帽人,帽商

toper:豪饮者; 酒徒 (名)

Topeka 托皮卡 (名) | toper 豪饮者; 酒徒 (名) | topflight 第一流的 (形)

topflight:第一流的 (形)

toper 豪饮者; 酒徒 (名) | topflight 第一流的 (形) | tophus 痛风石; 结石 (名)

winebibber, wine bag, wine bowl:酒仙,豪饮者

裹白树莓 wineberry | 酒仙,豪饮者 winebibber, wine bag, wine bowl | 葡萄栽培酿酒者 winegrower

wine bag, winebibber, wine bowl:酒仙,豪饮者

葡萄酒,酒 wine | 酒仙,豪饮者 wine bag, winebibber, wine bowl | 酒体 wine body

wine bowl, wine bag, winebibber:酒仙,豪饮者

酒体 wine body | 酒仙,豪饮者 wine bowl, wine bag, winebibber | 酒窖 wine cellar


酒仙,豪饮者 winebibber, wine bag, wine bowl | 葡萄栽培酿酒者 winegrower | 酿酒厂,葡萄酒厂 winery


maltster 麦芽制造者 | maltworm 豪饮者 | malty 麦芽的